Design For Nature In Dementia Care

E-Book Overview

Maintaining a connection to nature is increasingly recognised as an important component of caring for a person with dementia. The benefits of connecting the subjective experience of dementia sufferers with their physical environment include sensory stimulation and enhanced cognitive, psychological and physical well-being, as well as improved behaviour management. "Design for Nature in Dementia Care" adopts a holistic and person-centred approach to caring for dementia sufferers by considering their emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. The book provides comprehensive examples of the wide range of ways a person can connect to nature through indoor and outdoor activities, elements and environments, such as caring for house plants and pets, gardening and cooking, practising handicrafts and domestic chores, and offers solutions and insights to a professional understanding of the design of buildings and landscapes. The book draws on interdisciplinary research evidence from environmental psychology, neurology, architecture, nursing and dementia care practice, and spells out practical ways in which care providers and design professionals can design for nature in dementia care.

E-Book Content

Design for Nature in Dementia Care Bradford Dementia Group Good Practice Guides Under the editorship of Murna Downs, Chair in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford, this series constitutes a set of accessible, jargon-free, evidence-based good practice guides for all those involved in the care of people with dementia and their families. The series draws together a range of evidence including the experience of people with dementia and their families, practice wisdom, and research and scholarship to promote quality of life and quality of care. Bradford Dementia Group offer undergraduate and post graduate degrees in dementia studies and short courses in person-centred care and Dementia Care Mapping, alongside study days in contemporary topics. Information about these can be found on other books in the series Involving Families in Care Homes A Relationship-Centred Approach to Dementia Care Bob Woods, John Keady and Diane Seddon ISBN 978 1 84310 229 8 Person-Centred Dementia Care Making Services Better Dawn Brooker ISBN 978 1 84310 337 0 Ethical Issues in Dementia Care Making Difficult Decisions Julian C. Hughes and Clive Baldwin ISBN 978 1 84310 357 8 The Pool Activity Level (PAL) Instrument for Occupational Profiling A Practical Resource for Carers of People with Cognitive Impairment 3rd edition Jackie Pool ISBN 978 1 84310 594 7 Healing Arts Therapies and Person-Centred Dementia Care Edited by Anthea Innes and Karen Hatfield ISBN 978 1 84310 038 6 Primary Care and Dementia Steve Iliffe and Vari Drennan Foreword by Murna Downs ISBN 978 1 85302 997 4 Social Work and Dementia Good Practice and Care Management Margaret Anne Tibbs Foreword by Murna Downs ISBN 978 1 85302 904 2 Training and Development for Dementia Care Workers Anthea Innes ISBN 978 1 85302 761 1 Design for Nature in Dementia Care Garuth Chalfont Jessica Kingsley Publishers London and Philadelphia First published in 2008 by Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road London N1 9JB, UK and 400 Market Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA Copyright © Garuth Chalfont 2008 Front cover photograph copyright © Terry Bruce 2008 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988
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