Encyclopedia Of United States Indian Policy And Law (two Volume Set)

E-Book Overview

In 1987 ethnohistorian James Axtell published the article “Colonial America without the Indians Counterfactual Reflections,” in which he imagined a North America bereft of humans at the time of European exploration and settlement. The purpose of his piece was to demonstrate how vital the Native peoples of the continent had been to the history and development of the United States. Axtell’s imaginative contention could also be extended to an exploration of the relationship between the story of U.S. Indian policy and the general history of the United States.That history is not only important in its own right it is also interwoven with the political, economic, legal, cultural, and social histories of the United States—which would have developed in other ways.

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,008

  • Edition: 1

  • Pages: 1,001

  • Pages In File: 1,015

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 192

  • Issue: до 2011-01

  • Identifier: 1933116986,9781933116983

  • Ddc: 323.1197/07303

  • Lcc: KF8205 .E49 2009

  • Org File Size: 32,415,517

  • Extension: pdf

  • Toc: Cover......Page 1 Copyright......Page 5 Editorial Advisory Board......Page 7 Contents......Page 8 Alphabetical Table of Contents......Page 10 Thematic Table of Contents......Page 18 Preface......Page 30 Contributors......Page 36 OVERVIEWS OF U.S. INDIAN POLICY AND LAW......Page 46 Indian Policy of the Continental Congress......Page 48 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1775–1803......Page 52 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1803–1848......Page 57 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1845-1877......Page 63 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1871–1934......Page 68 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1928–1946......Page 73 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1944–1962......Page 78 U.S. Indian Policy: Congress and the Executive, 1960–......Page 84 A–Z ENTRIES......Page 90 Aboriginal Indian Title......Page 92 Abourezk, James......Page 93 Adams, John Quincy......Page 94 Agriculture and Agricultural Policy......Page 95 Akaka, Daniel......Page 100 Alaska Native Brotherhood (ANB) and Alaska Native Sisterhood (ANS)......Page 101 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971......Page 102 Alaska Natives......Page 103 Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (1998)......Page 110 Alcohol......Page 111 All Indian Pueblo Council......Page 114 Allotment in Severalty......Page 115 American Fur Company......Page 117 American Horse......Page 118 American Indian Defense Association (AIDA)......Page 119 American Indian Federation (AIF)......Page 120 American Indian Movement (AIM)......Page 121 American Indian Policy Review Commission (AIPRC)......Page 123 American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA; 1978)......Page 124 American Revolutionary War (1775–1783)......Page 126 Anderson, Wallace “Mad Bear”......Page 128 Anthropology and Ethnology......Page 129 Apache Wars (1860–1886)......Page 134 Apess, William......Page 136 Army, United States (1784–1890)......Page 1

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