A Presidential Energy Policy

E-Book Overview

Michael Ruppert addresses some simple but widely ignored concepts relating to the critical role of oil and gas in the modern world. First, they are finite resources, formed in the geological past, therefore subject to depletion. Second, they have to be found before they can be produced. He then goes on to address the wider implications recognizing that there is a finite Oil Age. Many claims have been made that new technology will counter the natural decline, but there is an irony: the better the technology, the faster the depletion. The book then turns to related subjects, including foreign policy and the invasion of Iraq, the hopes for renewable energy substitutes, the impact on farming and population, and the nature of Money. The impact on the economy is a central theme of the book. It gives emphasis to the U.S. situation but also covers the wider World, ending with twenty-five sensible recommendations by which the United States Government could react to the unfolding situation.

E-Book Content

A PRESIDENTIAL ENERGY POLICY A PRESIDENTIAL ENERGY POLICY: TWENTY-FIVE POINTS ADDRESSING THE SIAMESE TWINS OF ENERGY AND MONEY MICHAEL C. RUPPERT © Copyright 2009, Michael C. Ruppert. All Rights Reserved A PRESIDENTIAL ENERGY POLICY. Copyright © 2009, Michael C. Ruppert, All Rights Reserved. Digitally authored and printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in compliance with Fair Use provisions of U.S. copyright laws using brief quotations embodied in critical articles, reviews and for journalistic purposes. New World Digital Publishing A Presidential Energy Policy: Twenty-Five Points Addressing the Siamese Twins of Energy and Money All rights reserved under United States and World copyright protection. Published Worldwide by New World Digital Publishing www.nwdigitalinc.com Los Angeles, California, USA. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Library of Congress Catalog Number 1-173222341 Copyright © 2009 ISBN 978-1-61539-257-5 FIRST EDITION Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data is available upon request. Cover design by Aedon Davis, Michael Ruppert and Kenneth Levine Author's photograph by Cara Tompkins This book is dedicated to the great and courageous visionary Marion King Hubbert and to President James Earl Carter, Jr. King, you were the prophet. Jimmy, you led. You told the truth about energy. That record can never be diluted and it will not be forgotten. The failure was not yours but ours. We failed ourselves. As a submarine commander once said to his crew, “I am your captain. Without me you are nothing… Without you, I am nothing.” You did not let us down Jimmy. We let ourselves down. But then again...we were conditioned to. A PRESIDENTIAL ENERGY POLICY - I PREFACE Michael Ruppert does not mince his words writing a stirring and uncompromising book on a vital issue. He addresses some simple but widely ignored concepts relating to the critical role of oil and gas in the modern world. First, they are finite resources, formed in the geological past, being therefore subject to depletion. Second, they have to be found before they can be produced, such that the peak of discovery, which is long past, must deliver a corresponding peak of production. He then goes on to address the wider implications recognizing that there is a finite Oil Age. The First Half started only 150 years ago and saw the rapid expansion of just about everything, fuelled by this cheap source energy, flowing from the ground, but now we face the dawn of the Second Half, when production and all that depends upon it declines. The economic and political consequences of this Turning Point for Mankind are clearly colossal, demanding far reaching political responses, as