The Politics Of Psychotherapy: New Perspectives

E-Book Overview

This unique collection by leading authors explores the links between therapy and the political world, and their contribution to each other. The topics covered include: psychotherapy in the political sphere, including the roots of conflict, social trauma, and ecopsychology; political dimensions of psychotherapy practice, such as discrimination, power, sexuality, and postcolonial issues; psychotherapy, the state and institutions, including the law and ethics, and psychotherapy in healthcare; and, working at the interface, examples of therapy in political action from Croatia, the USA, the UK and Israel/Palestine.How to 'place' political issues in therapy is highly controversial - for example, whether political themes should be interpreted psychologically in the consulting room, or respected as valid in their own right: similar issues arise for the role of therapeutic insights in political reality. This book provides a map through these complex and demanding areas for therapists and counsellors in training, as well as for experienced practitioners or other interested readers. The contributors include: Lane Arye, Arlene Audergon, Emanuel Berman, Sandra Bloom, Jocelyn Chaplin, Petruska Clarkson, Chess Denman, Dawn Freshwater, Kate Gentile, John Lees, Renos Papadopoulos, Hilary Prentice, Mary-Jayne Rust, Judy Ryde, Andrew Samuels, and Nick Totton.

E-Book Content

new perspectives This unique collection by leading authors explores the links between therapy and the political world, and their contribution to each other. Topics covered include: ◆ Psychotherapy in the political sphere, including the roots of conflict, social trauma, and ecopsychology ◆ Political dimensions of psychotherapy practice, such as discrimination, power, sexuality, and postcolonial issues ◆ Psychotherapy, the state and institutions, including the law and ethics, and psychotherapy in healthcare ◆ Working at the interface, examples of therapy in political action from Croatia, the USA, the UK and Israel/Palestine Contributors: Lane Arye, Arlene Audergon, Emanuel Berman, Sandra Bloom, Jocelyn Chaplin, Petruska Clarkson, Chess Denman, Dawn Freshwater, Kate Gentile, Susan Gutwill, John Lees, Hilary Prentice, Mary-Jayne Rust, Judy Ryde, Andrew Samuels, Nick Totton. ISBN 0-335-21654-4 9 780335 216543 Edited by Cover design Hybert Design • Nick Totton Nick Totton originally trained in Reichian therapy in the early 1980s and since then has worked as a psychotherapist and trainer based in Leeds. He has an M.A. in Psychoanalytic Studies from Leeds Metropolitan University, where he used to teach. His other books published by Open University Press include Personality and Character Types (with Michael Jacobs), Body Psychotherapy and New Dimensions in Body Psychotherapy. new perspectives How to ‘place’ political issues in therapy is highly controversial – for example, whether political themes should be interpreted psychologically in the consulting room, or respected as valid in their own right: similar issues arise for the role of therapeutic insights in political reality. This book provides a map through these complex and demanding areas for therapists and counsellors in training, as well as for experienced practitioners or other interested readers. politics of psychotherapy politics of psychotherapy the the Edited by Nick Totton the politics of psychotherapy new perspectives BL2249-01-Prelims 18/12/05 20:21 Page i The Politics of Psychotherapy New Perspectives BL2249-01-Prelims 18/12/05 20:21 Page ii BL2249-01-Prelims 18/12/05 20:21 Page iii The Politics of Psychotherapy
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