Report Of The International Narcotics Control Board 2006

E-Book Overview

This edition of the Report focuses on the issue of internationally controlled drugs and the unregulated market. Divided into four parts, it also covers the following topics: operation of the international drug control system, an analysis of the world situation and, finally, a set of recommendations for Governments, the United Nations and other relevant international and regional organizations.

E-Book Content

INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 2006 UNITED NATIONS New York, 2007 UNITED NATIONS PUBLlCATION Sales No. E.07.XI.l I ISBN- 10: 92- 1 - l482 18-6 ISBN-13: 978-92- 1-148218-8 ISSN: 0257-3717 Foreword For many generations, attempts have been made to combat the adverse effects of illicit drug trafficking and abuse, and institutions have been set up at the national and international levels to address those issues. Significant progress has been made in reducing illicit drug trafficking and abuse, though a lot more remains to be done. Many countries are being targeted by drug traffickers, as evidenced by the shipment of large consignments of illicit narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals to those countries. Larger seizures of cocaine and heroin suggest the existence of well-organized criminal syndicates that are moving drugs around the globe with impunity; those syndicates must be dismantled. The seizures also suggest that there is a need to improve the effectiveness of interdiction efforts and intelligence-sharing. Although the phenomenon of the unregulated market is not new, it is of particular concern to the Board that, in recent years, the variety of internationally controlled substances available on the unregulated market have been increasing. In addition, drug traffickers are turning to innovalive ways of diverting and smuggling such substances, such as the transnational distribution of counterfeit drugs and the use of the lnternet and postal and courier services. By making available medicines that are often poorly documented, unsafe, ineffective or of low quality, the unregulated market exposes patients to serious health risks. Moreover, this serious development, if it remains unchecked, may undermine progress made over the years in international drug control. The root causes of the problem need to be identified and remedial measures taken as a matter of urgency. The measures require a concerted response from relevant parties, including Governments, professional organizations and regional and international organizations. The national and international organizations established for the purpose of curtailing illicit drug trafficking and abuse need to cooperate more closely with one another in order to eflectively address this important issue. All Governments need to show greater commitment to the ideals of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 and the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, in particular to limit the possession, use, distribution, import, export, manufacture and production of, and trade in, drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes and to address drug trafficking through international cooperation aimed at deterring such activity. In an age where technological developments are being used for sinister purposes, persons engaged in drug law enforcement and drug regulation need to be better trained and equipped to seize illicit drugs that are being trafficked and counterfeit or substandard drugs that appear in national and international distribution channels. Law enforcement authorities should use their expertise for the good of all by improving cooperation while fulfilling their mandates. States should share intelligence to facilitate the interception of illicit drug consignments. Governments should recognize the importance of drug demand reduction activities in allevi
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