Complete Works Of Robert Browning 6: With Variant Readings & Annotations (complete Works Robert Browning)

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THE COMPLETE WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING, VOLUME VI Robert Browning in 1865; an engraving based on a photograph frey. Courtesy of the Armstrong Browning Library. by]+ Jnnotf7tianr Volume VI EDITED JOHN C. BERKEY ALLAN C. DOOLEY SUSAN E. DOOLEY BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WACO, OHIO BY TEXAS UNIVERSITY ATHENS, PRESS OHXO 1996 THE COMPLETE ALLAN C. DOOLEY, JACK W. PARK ROMA WORKS HERRIN HONAN, A. KING, DANIEL OF ROBERT BROWNING Executive Edi tar G, General Editor Founding Editor JR., Founding Editor BERARDINELLI JOHN C. BERKEY MlCHAEL ASHBY BRlGHT BLAND CROWDER SUSAN SUSAN CROWL E. DAVID RITA DOOLEY EWBANK S. HUMPHREY CRAIG PAUL TURNER TURNER Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701 Q 1996 by Ohio University Press and Baylor University Printed in the United States of America Ali rights reserved 99 98 97 96 Ohio University Library Press books 54321 are printed paper OQ of Congress Cataloging-Publication (Revised for vol. 6) Browning, Robert, The complete works of Robert readings 8c annotations. Vol. 6 edited on acid-free 1812-1889. Browning, with Editorial board. variant by John C. Berkey, Allan C. DooIey and Susan E. Dooley. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. I. King, Roma A. (Roma Alvah), 1914ed. II. Herring, Jack W., 1925. III. Crowder, A. B. IV. Title. PR4201.K5 1969 821’.8 68- 18389 ISBN O-8214-1 137-3 (v. 6) CONTENTS Page Number iX PREFACE TABLES xxii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxvi MEN AND WOMEN, VOLUME II Andrea de1 Sarto (Called “The Before After In Three Days In a Year Old Pictures in Florence In a Balcony Saul “De Gustibus--” Women and Roses Protus Holy-Cross Day The Guardian-Angel Faultless Painter”) 7 16 18 19 21 24 37 72 90 92 94 96 102 Cle0l-l The Twins Popularity The Heretic’s Tragedy Two in the Campagna A Grammarian’s Funeral One Way of Love Another Way of Love “Transcendentalism: a Poem in Twelve Misconceptions One Word More BEN LAST KARSHOOK’S THE GREEK CHRISTIAN BY ELIZABETH BARRET Advertisement EURYDICE DRAMATIS WORKS Title Page Dedication Contents Notes TO Books” 151 WISDOM POEMS BY ELIZABETH Dedication Advertisement POETICAL 105 117 119 122 127 130 135 136 138 140 141 BARRE-I-I. BROWNING (1862) 155 156 POETS AND BROWNING THE ENGLISH (1863) POETS 157 [ 1863 and 18%) ORPHEUS; 159 160 161 165 A PICTURE 167 BY LEIGHTON PERSONX James Lee’s Wile Gold Hair: a Story of Pornic The Worst of It Dis Aliter Visum; or, Le Byron de Nos Jours Too Late Abt Vogler Rabbi Ben Ezra A Death in the Desert Caliban upon Setebos; or, Natural Theology Confessions May and Death Prospice Youth and Art A Face A Likeness Mr. Sludge, “The Medium” Apparent Failure Epilogue in the Island 171 175 193 201 206 214 220 226 235 259 271 273 275 276 280 282 285 352 355 A SELECTION FROM Preface A SELECTION FROM BARRETT BROWNING Preface POETICAL DEAF AND EDITORIAL CUMULATIVE WORKS Title page Notes Contents WORKS OF ROBERT BROWNING (1865) 361
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