Fundamentals Of Geology

E-Book Overview

This popular book, designed for young readers who are acquainted with the rudiments of physics and chemistry, is a translation of a Soviet textbook by Academician V. Obruchev. "The person unversed in geology is like a blind man. He cannot distinguish between various rocks. The different colors of rock tell him nothing. He cannot understand how gullies were formed. He sees layers of rock in some gully and wonders why they are strangely twisted in one place, while elsewhere they stand upright. This person may admire a picturesque cliff, an austere canyon or waterfall, but these sights evoke but superficial impressions. He can only appreciate nature's outward forms, but not the substance of the phenomena, he will see but not comprehend. Geology teaches us to understand nature and learn how it developed."

E-Book Content

ACADEMICIAN V. OBRUCHEV POPULAR OUTLINE Second Impression FOREIGN LANGUAGES PUBLISHING HOUSE Moscow David Myshne Persy Ludwick Translated from the Russian by and CONTENTS 5 Introduction I. II. What the Brook Murmurs 9 At the Sea-Shore III. How Water Works IV. Rock Weathering 37 58 Underground 75 Wind Action 99 VI. Travelling Stones 127 V. VII. Products of the Earth's Entrails VIII. Building IX. Why 164 ......... and Destruction of Mountains the Earth Shakes Now Now Here and There 242 X. Brief History of Our Earth XI, Catastrophes in the History of the Earth XII. XIII. What Riches the Earth Contains The Young Pathfinder Russian Bibliography 204
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