The Modern Jewish Mom's Guide To Shabbat: Connect And Celebrate--bring Your Family Together With The Friday Night Meal

E-Book Overview

Bringing the family together every Friday night for the Shabbat meal has helped many families connect with each other, even as children grow into their teens and beyond. Having experienced the joys of Shabbat and witnessed how it has brought her family together, Meredith L. Jacobs now brings us THE MODERN MOM'S GUIDE TO SHABBAT. Written in conversational style from one modern Jewish mom to another, THE MJM'S GUIDE will be funny and warm, brightly colored and easy to read, filled with delicious, easy recipes and family art projects, while also challenging readers with summaries of the weekly Torah portion and suggested family discussion topics, compelling readers to include discussion in their dinner as a vehicle for connecting with their children–both teaching and learning from them. It will be informative and accessible throughout. Shabbat is a wonderful way to ensure that in this day of ridiculous schedules and pressures, that we have at least one meal per week together as a family. Shabbat is the time we turn the outside world away and connect with each other. Unlike other holidays, Shabbat is not once a year, it's once a week, giving us fifty–two chances a year to connect with our children. Whether you are reform, conservative, or modern orthodox, newly converted or non–Jewish in an inter–faith marriage, THE MODERN JEWISH MOM'S GUIDE TO SHABBAT will teach us about traditions, making new ones, and most importantly, how to connect with our children.

E-Book Content

The Modern Jewish Mom’s Guide to Shabbat CONNECT and CELEBRATE— BRING YOUR FAMILY TOGETHER WITH THE FRIDAY NIGHT MEAL MEREDITH L. JACOBS Illustrated by Jackie Ross For my parents, who taught me For my children, who inspire me For my sister, who laughs with me For my husband, who believes in me And for my grandparents . . . who would have been so proud. Contents 1 Why I wrote a book about celebrating Shabbat, and why should you not only read it but listen to it. Introduction Chapter 1: A Little Kabbalah to Go with Your Challah The spiritual and mystical meaning of Shabbat. 9 Chapter 2: It’s the Mood, Not the Meal: Your Shabbat Table 21 It’s OK not to make chicken on Friday night. Learn how to set the mood for Shabbat and how to prepare the house, the table, and your family. Chapter 3: Wine, Not Whine: Creating Shalom Bayit Friday Night 33 A step-by-step guide to getting ready for Friday night. Everything you need to know about the Shabbat dinner, from how and when to make all the blessings (especially the blessing over the children) to how to get your husband to bless you, and even how to make non-Jewish relatives and guests feel comfortable. Chapter 4: Talk the Talk 57 My favorite part of Shabbat—the d’var torah. Learn how to use the weekly Torah portion to have amazing family discussions with children of all ages. Chapter 5: After Dinner 69 How to continue making the evening special even after dinner is over. Includes suggestions for Saturday observance at all levels and Havdalah. Chapter 6: Oy, Teens 83 Thoughtful advice and anecdotes from moms who have successfully met “the Shabbat teen challenge.” Chapter 7: Challah-Bake Girl! 95 Yo! You need to knead. This chapter teaches all my homies how to make challah dough, braid it, bless it, smell it baking, and get addicted to eating it. Warning: only homemade will do after you try! Chapter 8: Recipes 105 I like to cook, but I don’t like to schlep and chop and make a big patshkeh that I have to clean up. So here are some of my tried-and-true easy, delicious, and traditional Jewish recipes to make your meal delish! I’ve also thrown in a couple of not-sotraditional but flavorful, easy, and healthy dishes. Chapter 9: Projects 133 Want to make your table extra special and meaningful? Make Judaica with your children. I promise thes
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