The Indispensable University: Higher Education, Economic Development, And The Knowledge Economy

E-Book Overview

The Indispensable University describes the innovative transformation of institutions of higher education (HEIs) across the world, in response to the emerging realities of the twenty-first century global knowledge-based economy, as well as describes how HEIs are defining many of today's economic realities on a regional level. HEIs continue to drive economic development through their traditional roles of purchaser, employer, real estate developer, workforce developer and community developer. But these roles now must be executed more strategically and collaboratively. Also, the twenty-first century economy offers universities unique opportunities to generate the intellectual and financial capital that drives emerging knowledge-based industries. Case studies are drawn from: urban America; rural America; Europe; the Middle East; and emerging countries. Some of the topics covered include the following: the role of university presidents as change leaders; the relationship between higher education institutions and the political leadership of cities, states, and nations; successful models of partnerships between higher education and the private sector; and future challenges and opportunities facing the modern university.

E-Book Content

Education | Higher Education ROBERT D. HOLSWORTH was the founding Published in Partnership with The American Council on Education For orders and information please contact the publisher Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. A wholly owned subsidiary of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200 Lanham, Maryland 20706 1-800-462-6420 “A most exhaustive and informative text, and likely to be very helpful to all presidents interested in promoting economic development and community engagement. The opening chapters are a documented set of arguments; the references are extremely helpful. Best of all are the case studies. This book makes powerful points and then backs them up with well-grounded case studies—precisely the institutions I would have selected as exemplars within their distinctive missions. . . . The organization of the book is thoughtful as well, and a very easy read.” —Nancy Zimpher, chancellor, State University of New York “A terrific read, and I’m sure that it will become a standard work on both sides of the Atlantic. I found it full of insights as well as offering many telling examples. We’ll certainly have it on our MBA reading list.” —Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies, the Institute of Education, University of London “A fine book. Without committed and clearly active presidents/chancellors the important transformative potential of universities in their regional/global contexts cannot be realized. What is especially key here is the ways in which the university is placed in the ‘knowledge economy.’ Perhaps the best thing about this book is its full-throttle normative assertion of the ‘indispensable’ role of the university. It is the argument of passionate higher education advocates. The Indispensable University is more a policy essay and report from the field of the political economic struggles for the relevance and best practices of twenty-first-century higher education.” —David C. Perry, director of the Great Cities Institute, professor of urban planning and policy, University of Illinois at Chicago “This book is very interesting and informative. It’s a good read! College administrators will learn much from the content of this book. It contains many thoughtful insights and perspectives on the modern university.” —Roderick J. McDavis, president, Ohio University THE INDISPENSABLE UNIVERSITY Higher Education, Economic Development, and the Knowledge Economy ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD The Indispensable University describes the innovative transformation of higher education insti
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