What's Really In Your Basket?: An Easy To Use Guide To Food Additives And Cosmetic Ingredients

E-Book Content

WHAT’S REALLY IN YOUR BASKET? Previously published as THE CHEMICAL MAZE by Summersdale Publishers Ltd, 2006 First published by POSSIBILITY.COM in April 2001 Copyright © Bill Statham 2007 All rights reserved. The right of Bill Statham to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Condition of Sale This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent publisher. Summersdale Publishers Ltd 46 West Street Chichester West Sussex PO19 1RP UK www.summersdale.com Printed and bound in the Slovak Republic. ISBN: 1-84024-607-3 ISBN 13: 978-1-84024-607-0 What's REALLY_INSIDES_FINAL.indd2 2 13/04/2007 14:47:48 Contents About The Author .................................................. 4 Foreword .............................................................. 5 How to Use Your Guide ......................................... 6 Introduction .......................................................... 9 E Number Conversion Chart ............................... 13 SECTION 1 Food Additives .................................................... 26 SECTION 2 Cosmetic Ingredients ........................................ 144 Genetic Modification in a Nutshell .................... 314 Appendix ........................................................... 319 Glossary ............................................................ 321 Bibliography...................................................... 331 Useful Internet Resources ................................. 334 What's REALLY_INSIDES_FINAL.indd3 3 13/04/2007 14:47:48 About the Author Bill Statham lives with his wife and business partner Kay Lancashire in Victoria, Australia. He is a researcher, writer and publisher with an interest in health education and is committed to making a positive difference to the health of people and the environment. He studied and practised homeopathy both in Australia and England for over ten years. During this time he became increasingly concerned about the detrimental effects on people’s health caused by synthetic chemicals in the foods we eat and products we use every day. Bill wrote What’s Really in Your Basket? to make it simpler and easier for people to recognise those additives and ingredients in foods, personal care products and cosmetics having the potential to cause discomfort and ill health. With this recognition comes freedom of choice, and for many a new lease of life. 4 What's REALLY_INSIDES_FINAL.indd4 4 13/04/2007 14:47:48 Foreword Both new and experienced ‘safe-consumers’ will benefit from Bill Statham’s research and guidance in What’s Really in Your Basket?. Do not be deceived by its miniature size… this little handbook could create BIG changes in the way you look at food and personal care forever. If you take Bill’s advice to heart, no longer will you be able to participate in mindless shopping-trolley expeditions… ignorance may once have been bliss; but now it spells danger in our mass-manufactured, profit-driven, long shelf-life, chemical-romanced society. After spending many years researching the toxic ingredients in skin and personal care, and successfully avoiding all of them in the products I create, I am happy to recommend Bill Statham’s What’s Really in Your Basket? as an excellent reference guide to anyone questioning the safety of those strangesounding ‘naturally derived’ ingredients in their skin and personal care. Moreover, as a long-term Certified Organic consumer, I truly hope you put your money where your health is, and ‘Go Or
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