Elmer And Rose (elmer Books)

E-Book Overview

Elmer, the patchwork elephant, has been a favorite of children around the world since the first book debuted in 1989. Join Elmer and his friend Rose in a new story about what it really means to be unique. Grandpa Eldo asks Elmer and his cousin Wilbur to help a young elephant find her way back to her herd - and they get a shock when they see she is pink! No wonder she is called Rose. As they help Rose find her herd, Elmer and Wilbur learn a valuable lesson about being different and fitting in.

E-Book Content

David McKee Elmer, the patchwork elephant, has been a favorite of children around the world since the first book debuted in 1989. Join Elmer and his friend Rose in a new story about what it really means to be unique. Grandpa Eldo asks Elmer and his cousin Wilbur to help a young elephant find her way back to her herd— and they get a shock when they see she is pink! No wonder she is called Rose. As they help Rose find her herd, Elmer and Wilbur learn a valuable lesson about being different and fitting in. Ages 4–9 ELMER and ROSE David McKee Andersen Press USA For Big David M American edition published in 2010 by Andersen Press USA, an imprint of Andersen Press Ltd. www.andersenpressusa.com First published in Great Britain in 2005 by Andersen Press Ltd., 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA. Paperback edition first published in 2008 by Andersen Press Ltd. Published in Australia by Random House Australia Pty., Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW 2060. Copyright © David McKee, 2005. The author and the artist assert the moral right to be identified as author and artist of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Andersen Press Ltd., except for the inclusion of brief quotations in an acknowledged review. Distributed in the United States and Canada by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc. 241 First Avenue North Minneapolis, MN 55401 U.S.A. www.lernerbooks.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available. ISBN: 978–0–7613–5493–2 Manufactured in Singapore by Tien Wah Press. 1 – TWP – 9/10/09 This book has been printed on acid-free paper. eISBN: 978-0-7613-5999-9 A young friend of Elmer’s named Rose Blushes from her head to her toes, Or sometimes instead From her toes to her head But never from her tail to her nose. Elmer, the patchwork elephant, was with his cousin Wilbur. They were looking at the herd of elephants. “Jolly fellows,” smiled Wilbur, “but not exactly unique.” “They’re all unique,” said Elmer. “Just not as different as us. Imagine a herd like you or me.” At that moment, Bird arrived and said, “Grandpa Eldo wants you two.” “Come on, Wilbur,” said Elmer. Grandpa Eldo was looking under a bush. “Where is she?” he muttered. Then, seeing Elmer and Wilbur, he said, “She must be hiding from you two.” “She?” said Elmer. “Who are you talking about?” “Rose,” said Eldo. “She wandered away from a herd of elephants that passed nearby. You two can take her back to them. Ah! There she is. Don’t be frightened, Rose. Come and meet Elmer and Wilbur.” From behind a tree peeped a young elephant— a pink elephant. “Oh!” said Elmer and Wilbur in surprise. “Very pretty,” Elmer added quickly. Rose became even pinker. “She blushes very easily,” whispered Eldo. “I imagine that’s why she’s called Rose.” “Pleased to meet you,” Rose said, and she blushed again. “You’ll find the tracks of the herd by the lake. Just follow them,” said Eldo. “You’ll go faster than I would. Good-bye, Rose.” Rose said good-bye very sweetly, blushed a deeper pink, and ran after Elmer and Wilbur. At the lake, they met another elephan
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