Return Of The Warriors: The Toltec Teachings, Volume 1 (3rd Edition) (toltec Teachings)

E-Book Overview

First in the Toltec Teachings Series, Return of the Warriors introduces the Warrior's Path and the Toltec Path of Freedom. This is an action-based approach to life, in which individuals are taught to value their own experience more highly than information from others. Theun Mares introduces the basic concepts of this path, as well as the practical techniques, and provides the tools used by warriors in everyday life to build self-belief, self-reliance and self-empowerment - the true foundations for freedom. Topics include: Your view of the world – how it defines you, how you maintain it and the steps you need to take to break out of it. The power of true knowledge and how this leads to unwavering belief in self and true success. Becoming aware of your social conditioning and how to start freeing yourself from it. The secrets used by warriors on this path to achieve lasting change and freedom. Why your weaknesses are your unrealised potentials and the keys to using them to realise your dreams.

E-Book Content

The name Theun Mares, (pronounced Tayoon Mah-rez), is the closest rendering in the English language of the author's ancient Toltec name. It means "Theun of the Great Water". Theun's function amongst Toltecs is what is known as the nagal* (pronounced nah-hal), or spiritual leader within a unit of warriors. Born in Zimbabwe, of a father who was a gold miner, and a mother who was a natural seer, Theun spent most of his early life in the bush, amongst the animals, the birds and the natives of the area, with their rich and abundant folklore. It was in the wilds that Theun resumed his training in this current lifetime, under the tutelage of the Nagal J. After studying for an Arts Degree at the University of Cape Town, Theun spent most of his working life in education. During a year's study leave through Europe and North America in 1977, Theun began having flashbacks of his training as a warrior in previous lifetimes and, by 1978, his memory of all his previous training had been restored. In 1992 Theun resigned from his work and started to prepare for his life as a nagal. In 1994 he started training the members of his unit, and also commenced his assignment of disclosing the Toltec teachings to the world at large through a series of books. In addition to his own personal apprentices, Theun also has other people working under his guidance towards the furtherance of the evolution of awareness through the medium of the Toltec Tradition. He resides in Cape Town. © Theun Mares 1995 Third Edition. September 2000. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations embodied in literary articles or reviews. Copyright permissions appear on page 257. ISBN 1-919792-08-2 (Paperback) ISBN 1-919792-09-0 (Hardcover) Cover: The mosaic floor of the Toltec Temple showing the Sacred Centre, the Yellow Rose of Friendship, and the electromagnetic force fields generated by the temple. Fronticepiece by Rochelle Beresford Text Illustrations by Susan Emily Cover and Interior design by Lori Gie Printed and bound by National Book Printers Drukkery Street, Goodwood, Western Cape This l o g o signifies that this work concerns the Toltec Path of Freedom as expressed by Theun Mares, and serves to differentiate these teachings from Meso-American traditions of Toltequity, Nagualism and Shamanism. PUB L I S H I N G Private Bag X5 Constantia, 7848 Cape Town Republic of South Africa This book is a salutation to my own beloved teacher, the Nagal J., who has always guided my fellow warriors and myself with the iron will and uncompromising discipline of a man who does not take his responsibility lightly, and yet his unconditional love for us all, and his profound wisdom, have ever been our deepest inspiration.
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