European Competition Law Annual 2001: Effective Private Enforcement Of Ec Antitrust Law (european Competition Law Annual)

E-Book Overview

The European Competition Law Annual 2001 is the sixth in a series of volumes following the annual workshops on EU Competition Law and Policy held at the Robert Schuman Centre of the European University in Florence. The volume reproduces the materials of the roundtable debate that took place at the sixth meeting of the Workshop (June 2001) which examined the conditions for an effective private enforcement of EC antitrust rules. The application of EC antitrust rules in the context of private litigation before national courts and arbitration tribunals is becoming a highly topical subject against the background of the ongoing debate about the decentralization of EC antitrust enforcement. The participants - a group of senior representatives of the Commission, national judges, arbitrators, renowned academics and international legal experts in the field of antitrust - discussed the following aspects: the availability and effectiveness of substantive remedies in the enforcement of EC antitrust rules at the EU level in general and in four major EU jurisdictions in particular (England, France, Italy and Germany); the procedural issues arising in the enforcement of EC antitrust rules by national courts in four EU jurisdictions (England, France, Italy and Germany) and at the EU level in general; and the problems arising in the application of Article 81(3) EC by arbitration tribunals.

E-Book Content

ELERMANN Pre Make up 4/6/03 15:05 Page i EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW ANNUAL 2001: Effective Private Enforcement of EC Antitrust Law ELERMANN Pre Make up 4/6/03 15:05 Page ii ELERMANN Pre Make up 4/6/03 15:05 Page iii EUROPEAN COMPETITION LAW ANNUAL: 2001 Effective Private Enforcement of EC Antitrust Law Edited by Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Isabela Atanasiu OXFORD – PORTLAND OREGON 2003 ELERMANN Pre Make up 4/6/03 15:05 Page iv Hart Publishing Oxford and Portland, Oregon Published in North America (US and Canada) by Hart Publishing c/o International Specialized Book Services 5804 NE Hassalo Street Portland, Oregon 97213-3644 USA Distributed in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg by Intersentia, Churchillaan 108 B2900 Schoten Antwerpen Belgium © The contributors severally, 2003 The contributors severally have asserted their rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, to be identified as the authors of this work Hart Publishing is a specialist legal publisher based in Oxford, England. To order further copies of this book or to request a list of other publications please write to: Hart Publishing, Salter’s Boatyard, Folly Bridge, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4LB Telephone: +44 (0)1865 245533 or Fax: +44 (0)1865 794882 e-mail: [email protected] WEBSITE: http// British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data Available ISBN 1–84113–198–9 (hardback) Typeset by Servis Filmsetting Ltd, Manchester Printed and bound in Great Britain by Biddles Ltd, ELERMANN Pre Make up 4/6/03 15:05 Page v CONTENTS List of Sponsors Table of Cases vii ix I xxi P O: S R 1 Introductory Statement by Commissioner Mario Monti Panel Discussion 2 Working Papers I Walter van Gerven II Clifford A. Jones III Jeremy Lever, QC IV Antoine Winckler V Jürgen Basedow VI Marina Tavassi 3 9 53 95 109 119 135 145 P T: P I 1 Discussion 155 2 Working Papers I Francis G. Jacobs and Thomas Deisenhofer II Justice Hugh Laddie III Chantal Momège and Laurence Idot IV Karsten Schmidt V Giuseppe Tesauro 185 227 231 251 265 P T: A C 1 Discussion 283
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