E-Book Overview

This series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in branches of applied mechanics. Volume 30 supplies four articles covering: the mechanics of dislocations in strained-layer semiconductor materials, in which some specific issues with the mechanics of glide and interaction of dislocation in strained-layer systems are considered; propagating instabilities in structures, which provides a description of the phenomena with the help of results from experimental and analytical/numerical simulations; the plastic flow of crystals, which brings studies of multiple-slip interactions and hardening and of non-Schmid effects together within a time-independent theory, and explores their influence on strain localization; and elastic solids with many cracks and related problems, which focuses on physically important effects produced by crack interactions and presents results in the simplest form possible.

E-Book Content

Advances in Applied Mechanics Volume 30 Editorial Board T. BROOKEBENJAMIN Y. C. FUNG PAULGERMAIN RODNEYHILL PROFESSOR L. HOWARTH C . 4 . YIH (Editor, 1971-1982) Contributors to Volume 30 JOHN L. BASSANI L. B. FREUND MARKKACHANOV STELIOS K YRIAKIDES ADVANCES IN APPLIED MECHANICS Edited by John W. Hutchinson Theodore Y. Wu DIVISION OF APPLIED SCIENCES HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRl DG E. MASSACHUSETTS DIVISION O F ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PASADENA. CALIFORNIA VOLUME 30 ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Harcourt Brace & Company Boston San Diego New York London Sydney Tokyo Toronto THISBOOK IS PRINTED ON ACID-FREE PAPER. @ COPYRIGHT 0 1994 DY ACADEMICPRESS.INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY LIE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR DY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL. INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY. RECORDING. OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUDLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS. INC. 1250 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101-431I United Kingdom Edition published b y ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 24-28 Oval Road, London NWI 7DX LIBRARYOF C O N G R E S S C A T A L O G CARD NUMBER:48-8503 ISBN: 0-12-002030-0 PRINTED I N THE UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICA 94 95 96 97 BB 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I Contents vii ix CONTRIBUTORS PREFACE The Mechanics of Dislocations in Strained-Layer Semiconductor Materials L. B. Freund I. Introduction 11. Selected Properties of Dislocation Fields 111. An Isolated Dislocation itl a Strained Layer IV. Driving Force in More Complex Situations V. Process Kinetics Acknowledgments References i 8 18 32 56 64 64 Propagating Instabilities in Structures Srelios Kyriukides 1. Introduction 11. Initiation and Propagation of Bulges in Inflated Elastic Tubes 111. initiation and Propagation of Buckles in Long Tubes and Pipes under External Pressure IV. Propagating Buckles in Long Confined Cylindrical Shells V. Buckle Propagation in Long, Shallow Panels VI. Summary and Discussion Acknowledgments References 68 70 94 147 169 181 185 185 Plastic Flow of Crystals John L. Bussmi I. Introduction 11. Preliminaries 111. Yield Behavior including Non-Schmid Effects IV. V. VI. V11. Flow Behavior including Non-Schmid Effects Hardening Behavior Strain Localization Closure Acknowledgments References V 192 194 198 21 1 217 235 2 54 2 54 2 54 vi Contents Elastic Solids with Many Cracks and Related Problems Mark Kachanov 1. Introduction 260 11. Stresses and Crack Opening Displacements Associated with One Crack in an Infinite I
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