Global Health Governance: Crisis, Institutions And Political Economy (international Political Economy)

E-Book Overview

Eminent scholars investigate the sharp contrast between the acute and multi-dimensional scale of the challenges to global health governance and the contradictory and ineffective responses to them. They draw on a wide range of disciplines to uncover the critical political economy dynamics in the contemporary governance of global health.

E-Book Content

International Political Economy Series General Editor: Timothy M. Shaw, Professor and Director, Institute of International Relations, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago Titles include: Hans Abrahamsson UNDERSTANDING WORLD ORDER AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE Poverty, Conflict and the Global Arena Morten Bøås, Marianne H. Marchand and Timothy Shaw (editors) THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF REGIONS AND REGIONALISM Sandra Braman (editor) THE EMERGENT GLOBAL INFORMATION POLICY REGIME James Busumtwi-Sam and Laurent Dobuzinskis TURBULENCE AND NEW DIRECTION IN GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY Elizabeth De Boer-Ashworth THE GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY AND POST-1989 CHANGE The Place of the Central European Transition Bill Dunn GLOBAL RESTRUCTURING AND THE POWER OF LABOUR Myron J. Frankman WORLD DEMOCRATIC FEDERALISM Peace and Justice Indivisible Helen A. Garten US FINANCIAL REGULATION AND THE LEVEL PLAYING FIELD Barry K. Gills (editor) GLOBALIZATION AND THE POLITICS OF RESISTANCE Richard Grant and John Rennie Short (editors) GLOBALIZATION AND THE MARGINS Graham Harrison (editor) GLOBAL ENCOUNTERS International Political Economy, Development and Globalization Patrick Hayden and Chamsy el-Ojeili (editors) CONFRONTING GLOBALIZATION Humanity, Justice and the Renewal of Politics Axel Hülsemeyer (editor) GLOBALIZATION IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Convergence or Divergence? Helge Hveem and Kristen Nordhaug (editors) PUBLIC POLICY IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION Responses to Environmental and Economic Crises Takashi Inoguchi GLOBAL CHANGE A Japanese Perspective Jomo K.S. and Shyamala Nagaraj (editors) GLOBALIZATION VERSUS DEVELOPMENT Adrian Kay and Owain David Williams (editors) GLOBAL HEALTH GOVERNANCE Crisis, Institutions and Political Economy Dominic Kelly and Wyn Grant (editors) THE POLITICS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN THE 21st CENTURY Actors, Issues and Regional Dynamics Craig N. Murphy (editor) EGALITARIAN POLITICS IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION George Myconos THE GLOBALIZATION OF ORGANIZED LABOUR 1945–2004 John Nauright and Kimberly S. Schimmel (editors) THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF SPORT Morten Ougaard THE GLOBALIZATION OF POLITICS Power, Social Forces and Governance Jørgen Dige Pedersen GLOBALIZATION, DEVELOPMENT AND THE STATE The Performance of India and Brazil Since 1990 Markus Perkmann and Ngai-Ling Sum GLOBALIZATION, REGIONALIZATION AND CROSS–BORDER REGIONS Marc Schelhase GLOBALIZATION, REGIONALIZATION AND BUSINESS Conflict, Convergence and Influence Herman M. Schwartz and Leonard Seabrooke (editors) THE POLITICS OF HOUSING BOOMS AND BUSTS Leonard Seabrooke US POWER IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE The Victory of Dividends Timothy J. Sinclair and Kenneth P. Thomas (editors) STRUCTURE AND AGENCY IN INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL MOBILITY Fredrik Söderbaum and Timothy M. Shaw (editors) THEORIES OF NEW REGIONALISM Susanne Soederberg, Georg Menz and Philip G. Cerny (editors) INTERNALIZING GLOBALIZATION The Rise of Neoliberalism and the Decline of National Varieties of Capitalism Ritu Vij (editor) GLOBALIZATION AND WELFARE A Critical Reader Matthew Watson THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL MOBILITY International Political Economy Series Series Standing Order ISBN 978–0–333–71708–0 hardcover Series Standing Order ISBN 978–0–333–71110–1 paperback You can receive future titles in this series as they are published by placing a standing order. Please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address, the title of the series and one of the ISBNs quot