Religion From Tolstoy To Camus

E-Book Overview

Walter Kaufmann devoted his life to exploring the religious implications ol literary and philosophical texts. Deeply skeptical about the human and moral bene? ts of modern secularism, he also criticized the quest for certainty pursued through dogma. Kaufmann saw a risk of loss of authenticity in what he described as unjusti? ed retreats into the past. Th is is a compilation of signi? cant texts on religious thought that he selected and introduced. Th e organization of this anthology reveals the breadth and scope of Kaufmann's interests. It includes chapters on neo-Th omism and writings of morally engaged existentialists along with Kaufmann's introductory remarks. Gottfried's new introduction thoroughly explains Kaufmann's beliefs and relates them to various nineteenth-century philosophers of religion, including Mendelssohn, Goethe, Nietzsche, and Tolstoy. Religion from Tolstoy to Camus is of continuing importance to philosophers, theologians, historians, and students of religious literature.

E-Book Content

5 133288 RELIGION FROM TOLSTOT TO CAMUS h^RPGR f CORCbBOOkS A reference-list of Harper by subjects, is Torchbooks, classified end of this volume. printed at the I^ELIGION FROM TOLSTOY TO CAMUS Selected, with an introduction and prefaces, Walter ^aufmann HARPER TORCHBOOKS The Cloister Library HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND EVANSTON TO HERMAN AND SARAH WOUK WHO ST. LED ME TO LOVE THOMAS, V. I. RELIGION FROM TOLSTOY TO CAMUS Copyright New material 1961 by "Walter Kaufmann. 1964 by Walter Kaufmann. copyright Printed in the United States of America. All rights in this book are reserved. No part of this book or reproduced in any manner whatsoever in the case of brief quotations without written permission except may be used embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated, 49 East 3$rd Street, New York 16, N.Y. This book was originally published by Harper & Brothers, Publishers, in 1961. First HARPER TORCHBOOK edition published 1964 by Harper & Row, Publishers, Incorporated Library of Congress catalog card number: 61-12838. RELIGION FROM TOLSTOY TO CAMUS Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following publishers for permission to use from the works indicated. selections THE BEACON PRESS, BOSTON: Europe cmd the Jews, by Malcolm Hay, copyright 1950 by The Beacon Press under the tide The Foot of Pnde. BENZIGER BROTHERS, INCL, NEW YORK- "Aetemi Patxis" by Leo Xm, in The "Swnma Theologtca" of St. Thomas Aquinas, 1911; copyright 1947 by Benziger Brothers, Inc. BASIL BLACKWELL, OXFORD. "Gods," in Philosophy and Psycho-analysis, by John Wisdom, 1957; copyright 1953 by Basil Blackwell (Grateful acknowledgment is also made of Professor Wisdom's permission.) THE DEVIN-ADAIR COMPANY, NEW YORK, Dogmatic Canons and Decrees by Pius EX, 1912. GROVE PRESS, INC., NEW YORK: 'Reflections on the Guillotine," in Evergreen Review, Vol. I, No. by Albert Camus, 3, Press, Inc. (Grateful by Richard Howard, copyright 1957 D 7 GTOVQ also made of permission by the French pub- translated is acknowledgment Calmann-Levy, Paris.) HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK: Christian Beginnings, by Morton Scott F.nslfn, copyright 1938 by Harper & Brothers; Approaches to God, by Jacques Maritain, copyright 1954 lisher, by Jacques & Dynamics Maritain, by Paul Tttlich, The Gestapo Defi
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