Space Cadet

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Space Cadet Robert A. Heinlein A Del Rey Book BALLANTINE BOOKS • NEW YORK For William Ivar Bacchus A Del Rey Book Published by Ballantine Books Copyright© 1948 by Robert A. Heinlein Copyright renewed 1975 by Robert A. Heinlein All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Ballantine Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Ballantine Books of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Canada, ISBN 0-345-26072-4 This edition published by arrangement with Charles Scribner’s Sons Manufactured in the United States of America First Ballantine Books Edition: September 1978 Cover art by Darrell Sweet SNAFU ON VENUS "I gather that you were sent here, in answer to my message?" "Certainly," Matt said. "Thank heaven for that-even if you guys were stupid enough to stumble right into it. Now tell me-how many are there in the expedition. This is going to be a tough nut to crack." "This is the expedition, right in front of you." "Whctf? This is no time to joke. I sent t foe a regiment of marines, equipped for amphibious operations." "Maybe you did, but this is what you got. What's the situation?" Burke seemed dazed. "It's no use," he said. "It's utterly hopeless." "What's so hopeless? The natives seem friendly, on the whole. Tell us what the difficulty was, so we can work it out with them." "Friendly!" Burke gave a bitter laugh. "They killed all of my men. They're going to kill me. And they'll kill you too. ..." Also by Robert A. Heinlein Published by Ballantine Books: FARMER IN THE SKY TUNNEL IN THE SKY THE STAR BEAST THE ROLLING STONES HAVE SPACE SUIT—WILL TRAVEL ROCKET SHIP GALILEO RED PLANET STAR-MAN JONES BETWEEN PLANETS TIME FOR THE STARS CITIZEN OF THE GALAXY Table of Contents I TERRA BASE II ELIMINATION PROCESS III OVER THE BUMPS IV FIRST MUSTER V INTO SPACE VI “READING, AND ‘RITING, AND ‘RITHMETIC—” VII TO MAKE A SPACEMAN VIII TERRA STATION IX LONG HAUL X QUIS CUSTODIET IPSOS CUSTODES? XI P.R.S. AES TRIPLEX XII P.R.S. PATHFINDER XIII LONG WAY HOME XIV “THE NATIVES ARE FRIENDLY…” XV PIE WITH A FORK XVI P.R.S. ASTARTE XVII HOTCAKES FOR BREAKFAST XVIII IN THE COMMANDANT’S OFFICE I TERRA BASE “TO MATTHEW BROOKS DODSON,” the paper in his hand read, “greetings: “Having successfully completed the field elimination tests for appointment to the position of cadet in the Interplanetary Patrol you are authorized to report to the Commandant, Terra Base, Santa Barbara Field, Colorado, North American Union, Terra, on or before One July 2075, for further examination. “You are cautioned to remember that the majority of candidates taking these final tests usually fail and you should provide—” Matt folded the paper and stuck it back in his belt pouch. He did not care to think about the chance of failure. The passenger across from him, a boy about his own age, caught his eye. “That paper looks familiar, you a candidate too?” “That’s right.” “Well, shake! M’ name’s Jarman—I’m from Texas.” “Glad to know you, Tex. I’m Matt Dodson, from Des Moines.” “Howdy, Matt. We ought to be about there—” The car sighed softly and slowed; their chairs rocked to meet the rapid deceleration. The car stopped and their chairs swung back to normal position. “We are there,” Jarman finished. The telescreen at the end of the car, busy a moment before with a blonde beauty demonstrating Sorkin’s Super-Stellar Soap, now read: TERRA BASE STATION. The two boys grabbed their bags, and hurried out. A moment later, they were on the escalator, mounting to the surface. Facing the station a half mile away in the cool, thin air stood Hayworth Hall, Earth headquarters of the fabulous Patrol. Matt stared at it, trying to realize that he was at last seeing it. Jarman nudged him. “Come on.” “Huh? Oh—sure.” A pair of slidewalks stretched from the station to the hall; they stepped onto the
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