Chess For Beginners: Picture Guide, A

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FOR BEGINNER ii 3 mi ilium-1'i 48 00638 0661 CHESS FOR BEGINNERS A PICTURE GUIDE Also published os Picture Guide to Beginner's AL HOROWITZ Three-Time Ed'for Chess . >f '^ ill Open Champion of CHESS REVIEW Chess CoLrcr'sf, NEW V QRC TIMES A ^^ 111(1 BARNES & NOBLE BOOKS A DIVISION OF HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London COPYRIGHT, 1956 BY AL HOROUTITZ Published in 1959 isy Barnes ft Noble, Inc. by special arrangement with Z, E. Harvey, Inc. SEN AU 7 389 rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in ar>y form. Dedicated by the author to bis wife Edna the text of this book is printed on 100% recycled paper 777879m 1211109 Deagrnel by F&JUTK AWCEXINI Priated aai Bound in the U.S.A. FOREWORD The popularity of the game of Literally, millions of chess sets tie past ten years. evoked 3300 A replies. chess is growing day by day. have been sold In this country In chess problem appearing in the New Yorker Nearly 25,000 books have been written on the subject In different languages. These figures are astounding and they contradict the common notion that chess is a difficult game beyond the reach of ordinary intelligence. On tie contrary, they signify a deep and abiding love which springs from intrinsic goodness. have a proud chess heritage. Paul Morphy, Orleans prodigy, was the first uncrowned chess champion of the world. Benjamin Franklin's Morals of Chess Is an excellent We, in the States, New dissertation on the virtues of this fascinating pastime. And we have produced great players and teams which have won the world championship on a number of occasions. To meet the ever-increasing interest in this royal pastime, new techniques in teaching have been devised. A hundred years ago all kinds of fanciful verbiage described a simple movement. Today, a short, simple, clear, understandable code defines the same action. Today, photographs give the learner the feeling that he is actually handling the chessmen as he is learning. All of the latest techniques are employed here to appeal to youngsters and oldsters alike. This book is dedicated to the new generation of chess-players. May they uphold our proud heritage. Al Horowitz TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD Hi THE ORIGINAL SET-IT 1 The Board 1 The King and Queen The Bishop 3 3 The Rooks 3 The Knights The Pawns 4 4 THE MOVEMENTS OF THE MEN , . 6 The Rook 6 The Bishop 7 The Queen The King 8 II The Knight The Pawn 12 13 Pawn Promotion En Passant THE KING IS IN , 15 17 CHECK 20 Out of Check 21 Check By A Knight Double Check 22 Illegal CHECKMATE 22 King Move - Examples CASTLING You May Castle You May Not Castle STALEMATE Examples UNDER-PROMOTION Examples 23 24
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