Daphnis And Chloe (penguin Classics)

E-Book Overview

A tender novel describing eager and inept young love, Daphnis and Chloe tells the story of a baby boy and girl who are discovered separately, two years apart, alone and exposed on a Greek mountainside. Taken in by a goatherd and a shepherd respectively, and raised near the town of Mytilene, they grow to maturity unaware of one another's existence until the mischievous god of love, Eros, creates in them a sudden overpowering desire for one another. A masterpiece among early Greek romances, attracting both high praise and moral disapproval, this work has proved an enduringly fertile source of inspiration for musicians, writers and artists from Henry Fielding to Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot and Maurice Ravel. Longus transforms familiar themes from the romance genre including pirates, dreams, and the supernatural into a virtuoso love story that is rich in insight, humorous and ironical in its treatment of human sexual experience.

E-Book Content

Penguin Books Ltd, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Penguin Books Inc., 33oo Clipper Mill Road, Baltimore, Md zrzrr, U.S.A. Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia This translation first published 1956 Unexpurgated translation published 1968 Copyright Q l)aul 'Iurner 1968 l\[ade and printed in Great Britain by Cox & Wyrnan Ltd, London, Fakenham and Reading Set in Monotype Garamond This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any forrn oI binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser CONTENTS Introduction DAPHNIS AND CHLOE, Prologue r7 Book One r9 Book Two 45 Book Three 69 Book Four 9J Notes r2 3 L eql II3 ue3:rleQ afuElqueseJ :{liLtIuJSuolls 3 sr oJarII 'saplracIs(arsedse{?qs Jo srsEqaql (uulssng Suipnlcur 'sa8un8uul uazop paruJoJ rilluug pu? v uvrTl aJoul ur peJnpordar se,tr {ro1s aql : srua{ ParPunq uaalrrqt lxau oq] toJ sJnlsJelll uuedorng uo af,uanuilI alqz>lrzluor € peuexa aq 'su.n roqtne 3g] Jelaoqrt\ lnq 'snseqdg 3o uoqclouall dc1 uelllJ,!\ sB^&\uoIsJeA {ooJg luur8rro oql tuqt uollsaSSns atlt o] pal szti saruzrzJqpHlrltp glqluv aql Puu la^ou sK{} uee^\leq lua}uor Puu el^ls uI ,drpspuls ur€lrer y '.{rn1ua) i{}9 ro qr( og} urory Surrup uorttlsuur] urt?T ? uI palllrns ,(1uo szq ]I 1nq 'dnor8 srq] ot 8uo1aq ot paunssu dlluraua8 sr nt[7 {o snpop{V snrlu,l f,q uoqdoryal) pae a{fitna1 'cr'v oo€ rnoqv atfa {o snluoJlo{V snlopoiloH f,q aaJt -!rpq) pua saua7aaql ro ory{olcpaV aql sn8uol f,q aoJq2pua sruqdaq snseqdg go uoqdouay dq saluor -zrqoH put2 wWuV ro aro$aqdA ,t/t ,(rnluar pr5-puz patzwaranq) 'o'Y o ( r eroJeg uolrrsg] f,q aoq.u17ag sallrr{ry :repro 3uuto11o3rqt ur pasodwoc,(1qzqo:rd ero:\i\ 'slarrou alalduoe xls Jo dnor8 E alvq uar{t JilN erfr{n 'C'S ool ueerY\leq3uJIl euIos U3]]IIA\ ,;;:: PU? "rtQ -,{rn}uar ueirdd8g ue uo oJE puv'snrr{dzd }sel rq8noqr eq] Jo Pua egt sPr?ra.o] PaJeaof,slP ore, il. aseql 'ulsruar dpo sluau.t8vry oatr qolqa -'o 'antaruoy s//a!^[ pollu] -os egt sr sn ol urd.op ourol sug luqr atuaFagtgo uauloads 'rolo sErN ern}eretrl tserlrza or{tr {earC -to poirad 1ur -rss?1f,eql plun aeuerzadd? str o{Etu rou p1p ielou sHI NO IJ f N CIOUJNI 8 ,fuere1q ur dloprn raglp srorltne eqr qSnoqg 'o1.&s cirsr -nqdng sr slalou osoql il" dq per"qs erntr"al roglouv " sFI ur f,lruaueurrad osdroo pogrruo,nur sceJrr* fit:H:; or{.t. u?urroqsg uegzdg ? qtra Suldzls opnlf,ur r{rlq,u - soJuorJedxe Sursrrdrns go sorJos A\eu ? ro3 perzds sr seurororq"H pu? ! saruvg oqtrtno slnd puu saogJelo ollN eqr ,{pddeH 'e>lzrs eq} W turnq ag