Political Economy And The New Capitalism: Essays In Honour Of Sam Aaronovitch (routledge Frontiers Of Political Economy, 26)

E-Book Overview

Political Economy and the New Capitalism examines the relevance of Sam Aaronovitch's pioneering empirical studies of British capitalism in the light of modern developments. A wide range of problems are reviewed from industrial concentration today to the co-ordination of economic policies in Europe. Aaronovitch's work on the role of finance in the British economy is the subject sustained reflection. Individual chapters examine orthodox and left-wing criticisms of finance, exchange rate instability, and employment, growth and regions in the context of European Union. This work concludes with a bibliography of the published writings of Sam Aaronovitch and collects the reflections of some of the most distinguished thinkers in economics today including: Meghnad Desai, G.C. Harcourt, Pat Devine, Egon Matzner, Malcolm Sawyer, Sir Alan Budd, Jan Toporowski, Philip Arestis, Eleni Paliginis, Victoria Chick and Ben Fine.

E-Book Content

Political Economy and the New Capitalism Political Economy and the New Capitalism examines key developments in capitalist economies at the end of the twentieth century and brings together essays by leading economists in honour of the late Sam Aaronovitch, the veteran leftwing economist. In his work, Sam Aaronovitch emphasized the need to take into account the most recent developments in capitalist economies. In this spirit the essays in this volume focus on key issues raised by contemporary trends, including: how the apparent triumph of capitalism reflects on Marxism, the role of the collapse of Communism in undermining the post-war Keynesian settlement, and the relevance of Keynesianism to contemporary capitalism. Political Economy and the New Capitalism also examines the relevance of Sam Aaronovitch’s pioneering empirical studies of British capitalism in the light of modern developments. A wide range of problems are reviewed from industrial concentration today to the co-ordination of economic policies in Europe. Aaronovitch’s work on the role of finance in the British economy is the subject of sustained reflection. Individual chapters examine orthodox and left-wing criticisms of finance, exchange rate instability, and employment, growth and regions in the context of European Union. This work concludes with a bibliography of the published writings of Sam Aaronovitch. This volume collects the reflections of some of the most distinguished thinkers in economics today including: Meghnad Desai, G.C.Harcourt, Pat Devine, Egon Matzner, Malcolm Sawyer, Sir Alan Budd, Jan Toporowski, Philip Arestis, Eleni Paliginis, Victoria Chick and Ben Fine. Political Economy and the New Capitalism provides a vital and critical survey of key issues in political economy at the end of the twentieth century and will be of interest to students and researchers in political economy, the British and European economies, international, financial and industrial economics. Jan Toporowski is Reader in Economics, South Bank University and is the author of several works including, The End of Finance: The Theory of Capital Market Inflation, Financial Derivatives and Pension Fund Capitalism (Routledge 1999). Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy 1 Equilibrium Versus Understanding Towards the rehumanization of economics within social theory Mark Addleson 2 Evolution, Order and Complexity Edited by Elias L.Khalil and Kenneth E.Boulding 3 Interactions in Political Economy Malvern after ten years Edited by Steven Pressman 4 The End of Economics Michael Perelman 5 Probability in Economics Omar F.Hamouda and Robin Rowley 6 Capital Controversy, Post Keynesian Economics and the History of Economics Essays in honour of Geoff Harcourt, vol. one Edited by Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palma and Malcolm Sawyer 7 Markets, Unemployment and Economic Policy Essays in honour of Geoff Harcourt, vol. two Edited by Philip Arestis, Gabriel Palm
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