Ancient Egyptian Literature: Volume Iii: The Late Period

E-Book Overview

Chronologically arranged translations of ancient Egyptian writings shed light upon the development of diverse literary forms. Bibliogs.

E-Book Content

Contents C h ro nology o f the Late Period Abbreviations and Sym bo ls IX XI Introduction The Uses of th e Past 3 T exts in the Classical Language I. Biographical Inscriptions PART O N E: Sta tue Inscription o f Djedkhonsefankh Sta tue Inscripti on o f Ne b ne te ru Sta tue Inscription of H arwa T wo Statue In scriptions o f Monternhet Ca iro Mus eu m 42 23 7 Berl in Mu seum 17271 Sta tue Ins cription of Peftua ne ith Sta tue In scription o fUdjahorres ne Ste la of So m tu tefna kh t In scr iptions in th e T o m b of Petosiris The Long Biographical Inscription of Petosiris T wo Speech es of Sishu Father of Petosiris Sp eech of Thothrekh Son o f Petosiris Sarcophagus-lid Ins cription o f Wen no fer Stela o f Isenkheb e Ste la o fTa im ho te p II. Ro yal Inscriptions 13 13 18 24 29 30 31 33 36 41 44 45 50 52 54 58 59 66 T he Victo ry Ste la of King Piye A Victory Stela o f King Psamtik I I Th e Nau cratis Stela o f King Nectanebo I III. Two Pseud epigrapha 66 84 86 90 Th e IIcnl rcsh Sic!;] T hc Fami ne Sida 90 94 VII viii C O N TEN TS IV . Hymns and Lamentations A H ymn to Imhotep at Karnak H ymns to Hathor in the Temple of Dendera Two H ymns to Khnum in th e Tem p le o fEs na A Morning H ymn to Khnum The Great H ymn to Khnum The Lamentations of Isis a nd Nephthys PART TWO: 104 104 107 109 110 Demotic Literature The Stories of Setne Khamwas Setne Kh amwas and Naneferkaptah (Setne I) Setne Kh amwas and Si-O sire (Setn e II ) Prince Ped ikhons and Queen Serpot The Lion in Searc h o f Man The Instruction o f Ankhshesh onq The In struction of Papyrus Insinger 125 127 138 151 156 159 184 Indexes I. Divinities II . Kings a nd Queens II I. Person al Names IV .

E-Book Information

  • Year: 1,980

  • Pages: 248

  • Pages In File: 118

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 108

  • Issue: до 2011-01

  • Identifier: 0520040201,9780520040205

  • Org File Size: 50,002,569

  • Extension: pdf

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