Developing Self-regulated Learners: Beyond Achievement To Self-efficacy (psychology In The Classroom)

E-Book Overview

This book is part of the Division 15 series "Psychology in the Classroom," which is aimed at elementary, middle, and high school teachers. The goal of this series is to encourage teachers to base their daily classroom practices on sound principles derived form the latest educational psychology research. The series thus bridges the gap between theory and practice. Each book is written in an accessible, straightforward style and contains a wide range of user-friendly features, such as real-life case illustrations, sample classroom activities, self-study questions, and suggested readings. Every teacher would like to have a classroom full of "smart learners." This accessible guide for midddle school and high school teachers will show the reader how, through self-regulatory training and development, the classroom can be converted into a learning academy full of motivated, empowered students. Teachers will learn how to help students develop five essential study skills as part of their regular classroom assignments: time planning and management, text comprehension and summarization, classroom note-taking, test anticipation and preparation, and writing. Five-week curricula models are presented for each skill area.

E-Book Content

Developing Self-Regulated Learners Beyond Achievement to Self-Efficacy PSYCHOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM: A SERIES ON APPLI ED EDUCATIO NAL PSYCHOLOGY A collaborativ proj Cl of PA Division 15 (Edu ationa' Psychology) and APA Books. IBarbara L. McCombs and Sharon McNeely, Series Editors Advisory Board ylvia id I, ational Education Association Debbi \ al h Chicago Teachers 'nion. rn rican Federation of T a hers Ron Brandl, Execmive Editor, Ass ciation lor upervision and Curriculum D velopment Isadore ewton, University of Akron Merlin W iurock, ni ersil), of California, Los Ang les David B riiner. Arizona tate nh ersity Noreen \i ebb, University of Califomia, Los Angeles Series Titles Becoming Refleclive tud 'nt and Teachers \.\lith Portfolio altd AUL/l enlic A ses mel1t-Paris & Ayres CreaLing Respollsible L al'l1cr : The Role of a Positive Cla room EnVironment-Ridley & Walthers Dev loping Self-Regtllated Leamer' : Beyond Achievement to elf-cffi 'ICyZimmerman, Bonner :Y K va h Inventiv lraLegies for Teaching Macl1el?lalics- liddleton G p~ rl ~OlivCllitlg Hard La Reach Slllden - M Combs & Pope IV Approac11 s Lo Literacy; Helpi11g tud til Develop Reading and Writing Ilills-Marzano & Paynt l' o ercoming tudenr Failur .' Changing lOCive alld InccfIlives for Leaming-COvington &: Teel Teachingfor Thinkillg- temberg &: pear- w rling In Preparation Designing Int grated CUITicula-Jones, Ra mussen, &: Lindberg Effeclive Learning and Study Strategies-Wein tein & Hume Positive Mr, Ctiv Ii mates-Mills &: Timm Dealing With Anxi l)' in rhe School-Tobias & Tobias Developing Self-Regulated Learners I Beyond Achievement to Self-Efficacy Barry J. Zimmerman, Sebastian Bonner, and Robert Kovach I The Graduate School and University Center The City University of New York I AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION I WASHINGTON, DC Copynght © 1996 by thc American Psychological Associalion. All righLS reserved. Except as permittcd under the United tates .Opyrighl Ac of 1976, no parl of this publication may b reproduced or disl1ibUled in any form or by an)' means. or stored in a database or retrieval system, without Lhe prior written pcrmission of th publisher. Published by Amcrican Psychological A ocialion 750 first StreeL. NE WashingLon, DC 20002 Copies ma), be ordered from APA Ordcr Dcpanm nt PO Box 2710 l-tyan 'ill. 10 20784 (n th UK and Europ • opies may be ordered from American P ychological Association 3 (ienriclla. treCt Covent Garden. London WC2E 8LU England Typeset in
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