Paint Shop Pro 8 Solutions

E-Book Overview

Let your creativity run wild as you master the many features of Paint Shop Pro! Whether you want to create your own graphics from scratch or edit digital photos, let "Paint Shop Pro 8 Solutions" be your guide to learning all that this affordable graphics editor has to offer. Combine your own imaginative ideas with this book's hands-on examples and powerful tips and techniques, and you'll be amazed at the professional-looking results!"

E-Book Content

ii Paint Shop Pro 8 Solutions Copyright ©2003 Muska & Lipman Publishing, a division of Course Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without written permission from the publisher, except for brief passages for review purposes. Address all permission requests to the publisher. Paint Shop Pro 8 is a registered trademark of Jasc Software, Inc. All other copyrights and trademarks used as examples or references in this book are retained by their individual owners. Credits: Senior Marketing Manager, Martine Edwards; Marketing Manager, Heather Hurley; Associate Marketing Manager, Kristin Eisenzopf; Manager of Editorial Services, Heather Talbot; Senior Acquisitions Editor, Kevin Harreld; Senior Editor, Mark Garvey; Retail Market Coordinator, Sarah Dubois; Production Editor, Argosy; Copyeditor, Ginny Kaczmarek; Proofreader, Heather Moehn; Technical Editor, Sarah Arnott; Cover Designer, Chad Planner; Interior Design and Layout, Susan Honeywell, LJ Graphics; Indexer, Sharon Shock. SVP, Retail and Strategic Market Group: Andy Shafran Publisher: Stacy L. Hiquet Technology and the Internet are constantly changing, and by necessity of the lapse of time between the writing and distribution of this book, some aspects might be out of date. Accordingly, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for actions taken by readers based upon the contents of this book. Library of Congre
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