The Color Encyclopedia Of Cape Bulbs

E-Book Overview

The Cape Region, at the southern tip of Africa, is easily among the richest centers for bulbous plants and probably the most famous. Nearly 1200 species of bulbous plants find their home there and almost three-quarters of them occur nowhere else. This first complete account of all the bulbous plants of the Cape Floral Region is an essential aid to the identification of all species presently in cultivation as well as the many others that are potentially valuable horticultural subjects. The book is richly illustrated with high-quality color photographs of more than half the species of Cape bulbs, many of which have never been illustrated before.

E-Book Content

THE COLOR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAPE BULBS THE COLOR ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CAPE BULBS JOHN MANNING PETER GOLDBLATT DEE SNIJMAN TIMBER PRESS Portland • Cambridge TO ANDRIES DE VIUIERS All photographs by John Manning and Peter Goldblatt unless otherwise indicated; half-title page, Watsonia tabularis with male and female orange-breasted sunbirds; frontispiece, Bulbinella nutans subsp. nutans, Sparaxis tricolor, and Hesperantha rivulicola along a stream near Nieuwoudtville. Maps by Don Mayne, Gecko Design, Cape Town. Copyright © 2002 by John Manning, Peter Goldblatt, and Dee Snijman. All rights reserved Published in 2002 by Timber Press, Inc. The Haseltine Building 133 S.W. Second Avenue, Suite 450 Portland, Oregon 97204, U.S.A. Timber Press 2 Station Road Swavesey Cambridge CB4 4Q J, U.K. Printed in Singapore Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Manning, John The color encyclopedia of cape bulbs /John Manning, Peter Goldblatt & Dee Snijman. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.). ISBN 0-88192-547-0 1. Cape bulbs—Encyclopedias. 2. Cape bulbs—Pictorial works. I. Goldblatt, Peter. II. Snijman, Dee. III. Title. SB425.M3352002 635.9'4—dc21 2002020455 CONTENTS Preface 7 Bulbs at the Cape 9 Exploration of the Cape Flora 11 Vegetation of the Cape 17 Climate, Geology, and Soils of the Cape 19 Biogeography of the Cape 23 Bulbs in the Garden 31 Bulb Structure 33 Bulb Cultivation 35 Families of Cape Bulbs 41 Agapanthaceae 43 Alliaceae 43 Amaryllidaceae 44 Araceae 45 Asphodelaceae 45 Colchicaceae 46 Haemodoraceae 46 Hyacinthaceae 47 Hypoxidaceae 48 Iridaceae 49 Lanariaceae 51 Ruscaceae 52 Tecophilaeaceae 52 Bulbs of the Cape 53 Agapanthus 53 Albuca 55 Allium 61 Amaryllis 62 Ammocharis 63 Androcymbium 64 Apodolirion 68 Aristea 70 Babiana 77 Baeometra 90 Bobartia 91 Boophone 94 Bowiea 95 Brunsvigia 96 Bulbinella 100 Chasmanthe 107 Clivia 108 Crinum 110 Crossyne 111 Cyanella 113 Cybistetes 115 Cyrtanthus 116 Daubenya 124 Devia 127 Dierama 128 Dietes 129 Dilfltris 130 Dipcadi 133 Drimia 134 Emporium 142 Eriospermum 145 Eucomis 154 Ferraria 155 Freesia 158 Geissorhiza 162 Gethyllis 180 Gladiolus 186 Haemanthus 217 Hesperantha 222 Hessea 231 Hypoxis 234 Ixia 236 Kniphofia 248 Lachenalia 251 Lanaria 264 Lapeirousia 266 Ledebouria 272 Massonia 274 Melasphaerula 276 Miaanthus 277 Moraea 279 Neodregea 310 Neopatersonia 310 Nerine 311 Onixotis 313 Ornithogfllum 315 Ornithoglossum 325 Pauridia 327 Pillansia 328 Polyxena 329 Romulea 332 Scadoxus 352 Scilla 353 Sparaxis 354 Spiloxene 361 Strumaria 367 Syringodea 372 Thereianthus 374 Tritonia 377 Tritoniopsis 382 Tulbaghia 392 Veltheimia 394 Wachendorfia 395 Walleria 397 Watsonia 399 Whiteheadia 408 6 CONTENTS Wurmbea 409 Xenoscapa 412 Cyrtanthus 425 Daubenya 426 Zantedeschia 413 Dilatris 426 Dipcadi 426 Keys to Species 417 Agapanthus 417 Albuca 417 Androcymbium 418 Drimia 426 Empodium 427 Eriospermum 427 Apodolirion 419 Aristea 419 Eucomis 429 Ferraria 430 Freesia 430 Babiana 421 Geissorhiza 430 Bo
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