Islamic Philosophy Of Religion: Synthesis Of Science Religion And Philosophy

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Copyrighted ma~rlal Copyrighted material • Dr. Jaftrlllludn I. LaUW.1a "'15 the Reader in EconomiCI i n lhe Postgraduate Depanment o f Economici in the Universi ty School of Soc ial Sci ences, Gujaral Univcn ity. Ahmedabad . A number of students d id their Ph. D. Stud ies in Economicl under his guidance. He has .... rillen a number of books on the different $ubjecu of Economics, Philosophy and Religion . His man y articles on Econo mics, Polit ics. PhilO5Ophy. Psyc hology ana Educat ion have been published in rc:pulcdjournah Dnd newl papers. He wriln in EnB lish, Guj arali and Arabimes InslrumC':ntal for the Improvement of the lives of others around him. Therefore In this world whIch Is full of destructive weapons and o f Individuals With diseased mIndS. the message of Islam has got great relevance and s h ould be given serious thought. RcJC':rC': n ces I. fromm. Ench . ~ychoanalysl. and ~lIglon . op. o:It •• pp. 22·25. 2 . Ibid.. p. 74 3 . Iqbal. Muhammad. op. eH .. pp. 85·87. 4. Fromm. Er1ch . op. cll .. p. 37. righted Isla",ic Philosophy of Religion '" 5 . Ibid .. p_ 37. 6. Ibid .. pp. 93. 95. 7. Iqbal. Muhammad. ap. cil-, pp. 183-184 _ S. Abul Kalam. Maulana Azad. Tar}uman al·Qur'an, Vol. I (As!a Publishing House , Bombay. India· 1962) pp. 175·176. 9 . Roy. M. N.. The Hlsior1cal IWIe of Islam, op. cll .. p. 57 10. Ibid .. p. 61. 11. Ibid .. pp. 9 · 15 and 19-23. 'VI ate 8 Differ ence b etween Din and Shari'ah Two Basic Poin ts o f the Message of the Qur"an Maulana Abu1 - Kalam Azad, In his exegesis rrafslr/ of gur'an. specially In that of the first chapter (,Surah Fatlha', which gives the essence of the teachings of the gur'anl has highlighted two basic points of the message of the Qur'an as revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him). 1. One Is that Muhammad has not come with any new message, but with the same message as brought by prophets Adam. Noah. Abraham. Jacob, Ishmael. Joseph. Moses. Solomon. DaVid. Jesus and other prophets sent In all other parts of the world, though names of some prophets are mentioned In the gur'an and some names are not mentioned In the gu r'an 85 the gur'an Itself points out.' But the message of all the prophets was the same. I.e. belie f In One God and doing of good (Marui} deeds and remaining away from bad (MunkarJ deeds and this Is the Din (ReligionJ and it is the straight path (5/ral al-Mustaq/m) according to the Qur'an, 2 , The second is that every human being is born on the nature (fitrat) of God' and God has breathed from His spirit Into every human being and so every human being >3, /S/4rn;, Philosophy of Religion - man and woman - has got the natural capacity to know Ma'ruf (good) deeds and Munkar (bad) deeds and the function of the prophet IS to remind the human beings of this Inner Islam Implanted In every human being. If a person docs M'aruf deeds, the prophet III Bashlr i.e. the giver of glad tidIngs and If a person does bad deeds, the prophet Is Nazlr. I.e. a warner for the evil-doers that bad consequences wtll follow of their misdeeds. Commonness of Deen and Uncommonness of Shana Thus Abu'] - Kalam Azad has hlghHghted the nonauthoritarian approach of the QUT'an. The commonness of the messages of all prophets and Its echo In every human heart consists tmly of Din (Religion) which Is belief In one God and doing of good (Ma'rof} deeds and remaining away from bad {Munkar} deeds which Is the straight Path {Skat al-Mustaqlm} as depleted In th e Qur'an, Now thl, commonness of th e message doe' not lie In Sharias, because the Sharlas of dIfferent prophets were different and even the Shana.s of the different sects of Islam a lso are dIfferent from one another, Rel
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