90 Days To Success Marketing And Advertising Your Small Business

E-Book Overview

Regardless of the industry they are in, small business owners need to attract new business. 90 DAYS TO SUCCESS MARKETING AND ADVERTISING YOUR SMALL BUSINESS is designed to educate small business owners on the various forms of advertising that are available today, help them identify which forms are appropriate for their business and customer base, and how to develop marketing and advertising strategies with quantifiable (and highly profitable!) results. The book provides a blueprint for a successful, fiscally-sound marketing and advertising campaign that will yield profitable results for any small business within just 90 days. With this book and some common sense, you'll be able to make marketing decisions that can help your business weather the tough times and grow to new heights. From the Author: Top Ten Marketing Tips Answer the Phone No matter how much effective advertising you have, it all goes to waste if you do not have a live person answering the phone. People may leave messages, but rest assured they're calling your competition. A live answer will let the sales process begin. Have a Website Some companies choose not to have a website because of the cost. While some businesses will need a high-end site to thrive, a low-budget website should be used as a minimum as an online business card. Be Listed in the Yellow Pages Being listed in your local directories creates a sense of legitimacy with your clientele. Even if you choose not to advertise there heavily, be sure to take advantage of your free or low-cost listings. Solicit Your Existing Customer Base Assuming you've left your customers satisfied, be sure to include them in mailings, e-mails, or any other form of direct marketing you use. This will ensure their loyalty and promote referrals. Identify Your Most Desirable Customers Knowing the demographics of your top customers will help you market to the right kind of audience. Even if you do business with most of the general public, it's still important to skew your message to your most favorable clients. Use Continuity in Your Ads You may advertise in the newspaper, online, the radio, and more, but be sure to have some continuity throughout your ads. Whether it's a color scheme, tagline, or even offers, you will brand your business most effectively in this way. Keep Your Business Name on Air at All Times When choosing to run a radio or television commercial, keep your name out there as often as possible, no matter how awkward it may seem. You have to invest a good amount of money to make these mediums effective, so make sure the public isn't left wondering who the commercial was for. Negotiate and Use Other Mediums as Leverage Just as you do with your suppliers, use your advertising rates with other mediums to negotiate with other advertising sales reps. They'll repeat the features and benefits for some time but eventually their best pricing will be uncovered. Offer Coupons Coupons are simply one of the most effective ways to call your clients to action and to track the effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Whether you circulate a coupon, make a dated offer, or simply announce a sale, these strategies will deliver immediate results. Don't be afraid of "cheapening" your product or service; the wealthy consumers respond better than most to these tactics. Never Stop Advertising Business couldn't be better and you're busy as can be. Keep it that way by continually marketing your product or service to replace customer attrition and to keep your business top of mind with your existing clientele. Top Ten Marketing Mistakes "Meeting or Beating" Your Competition This tactic not only ensures your competition the first shot at doing business with your client, it also ensures you will be the lowest-paid company in your industry. Making aggressive offers is great, but encouraging competition will leave you in the dust. Weak Offers 5% off a $5 lunch isn't worth the effort of raising
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