Managing Talented People

E-Book Overview

Highly talented people have very different values and motivation from the majority of people. More is expected of them and they expect more in return. They are often high-impact but high-maintenance too. They think differently (and faster). They get bored more readily. They need different kinds of challenges. They can deal with more complexity but are more complex in themselves. They get frustrated more readily and express themselves readily. They are a different kind of person - and they need a different kind of management. The manager of a talented team needs to learn quickly how to spot and respond to talent, how to encourage it to grow, whilst gently directing its course. The manager of talent needs to be able to cope with the fact that certain members of the team may be in some respects brighter and more able than they are - and they need to be comfortable about that. The manager of a talented team needs to completely understand what role they play in the team's success and communicate that subtly but effectively. The manager must be respected and be the person that the talented individual is happy to be led by. This is the book that explores what talent is, how to recognise it and how to deal with it on a day-by-day basis. "It is an easy-to-read text, written in a conversational style, refreshingly free from jargon and pomposity. Any managers who want to get the best from whatever talent exists in their teams would do well to read it." People Management "Managing Talented People is worth a read. It explores important issues directly affecting the creative industry...Its structure is very easy to dip into - with clear headings, bullet-points and quotes - and has an easy-going style." Design Week

E-Book Content

managing talented people MANAGING TALENTED PEOPLE getting on with – and getting the best from – your top talent the stuff that drives you Alan Robertson & Graham Abbey Manager’s momentum – a new suite of management development books for the leaders of the future We’ve taken the successful approach of the momentum personal development books – active personal coaching, applied personal values and highly stimulating delivery – and applied it to the portfolio of skills that talented leaders of the future will want and need. The result? A set of books and accelerated learning tools for smart managers that will equip you for a bright future of managing talented people and entrepreneurial ventures. These are intelligent, inspiring yet practical books on a new breed of essential managerial topics – a far cry from an older style of management book, which too often features the same old tired subjects drowned in dense text, manager’s momentum is characterized by edgy, modern subjects delivered in an easily absorbed dynamic style. These are books to make you energized, not tired. And books that you’ll be happy to be seen with. Other manager’s momentum titles: Complete leadership a practical guide for developing your leadership talents Susan Bloch and Philip Whiteley Solution-focused coaching a manager’s guide to getting the best from people Tony Grant and Jane Greene Also available – momentum personal development books for the stuff that drives you. Lead yourself be where others will follow Mick Cope Change activist make big things happen fast Carmel McConnell Innervation personal training for life and work Guy Browning The complete list of momentum personal development titles is available via and momentum innervation redesign yourself for a smarter future Guy Browning from here to e equip yourself for a career in the wired economy Lisa Khoo lead yourself be where others will follow Mick Cope happy mondays putting the pleasure back into work Richard Reeves managing talented peop