Public Speaking Success In 20 Minutes A Day (skill Builders)

E-Book Overview

Public speaking is considered one of the highest causes of fear and stress for most people, yet it is practically unavoidable over the course of a lifetime. Weddings, religious occasions, funerals, banquets, sales presentations-these are just a few of the situations which require people to share words with a large group. This guide, a new addition to LearningExpress's best-selling 20 Minutes a Day series, is geared toward college students with course requirements to fulfill, recent graduates who are faced with the daunting task of interviewing for jobs, business people who need to improve their presentation skills, and ordinary people who find themselves called upon to speak in any of a vast array of public forums. The book takes the fright out of writing and giving speeches through easy-to-digest lessons that only take minutes per day. This guide, Public Speaking in 20 Minutes a Day, includes: Information on the different types of speeches Details on how to construct a meaningful and through presentation Advice on how to prepare visual aids that will add to your speeches Tips on how your appearance affects the way you are perceived Common errors people make when in front of a crowd A collection of famous and revered speeches from history Practically every college student in America today is required to take a course in public speaking. Traditional college textbooks can be very inexpensive for today's busy students. Public Speaking in 20 Minutes a Day bridges that gap between the student audience and the mass market, since virtually every adult is called upon to speak publicly from time to time-and those who are not experienced in that arena may need to find help. Since public speaking is a hands-on activity, it is best learned by doing. Sometimes all people need is a little motivation to put their pen to the paper, while creating a memorable speech. Public Speaking in 20 Minutes a Day is just the kind of tool that people who fear addressing a crowd could use to conquer their worries, while learning to eloquently deliver their lines. This compact tool is just what readers need to learn the basics skills of speechmaking and learn to communicate effectively in their form of speaking.

E-Book Content

Public Speaking Success 6817_LE_PublicSpeaking Success[FIN].indd 1 7/23/10 12:48:53 PM Other Titles of Interest from l e a r ni ng e xp r e s s Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day Biology Success in 20 Minutes a Day Chemistry Success in 20 Minutes a Day Earth Science Success in 20 Minutes a Day Grammar Success in 20 Minutes a Day Physics Success in 20 Minutes a Day Practical Math Success in 20 Minutes a Day Reading Comprehension Success in 20 Minutes a Day Statistics Success in 20 Minutes a Day Trigonometry Success in 20 Minutes a Day Vocabulary and Spelling Success in 20 Minutes a Day Writing Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day 6817_LE_PublicSpeaking Success[FIN].indd 2 7/23/10 12:48:53 PM Public Speaking success in 20 minutes a Day ® N ew 6817_LE_PublicSpeaking Success[FIN].indd 3 Y o r k 7/23/10 12:48:54 PM Copyright © 2010 LearningExpress, LLC. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Public speaking success in 20 minutes a day.    p. cm.   Includes bibliographical references.   ISBN-13: 978-1-57685-746-5   ISBN-10: 1-57685-746-8   1. Public speaking.  I. LearningExpress (Organization)  II. Title: Public speaking success in twenty minutes a day.   PN4129.15.P838 2010   808.5’1—dc22 2010010695 Printed in the United States of America 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1 ISBN-13 978-1-57685-746-5 For more information or to place an order, contact LearningExpress at:    2 Rector Street    2
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