A+ Guide To Software: Managing, Maintaining, And Troubleshooting

E-Book Overview

Written by best-selling PC repair author and educator Jean Andrews, the fifth edition of A+ GUIDE TO SOFTWARE: MANAGING, MAINTAINING, AND TROUBLESHOOTING maps fully to CompTIA's 2009 A+ Exam objectives. This full-color guide is the most complete, step-by-step book available for learning the fundamentals of supporting and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. At the same time, it prepares readers to successfully pass the software portions of the A+ 220-701 and 220-702 exams. The new edition is formatted to support any teaching or learning style and course format, featuring an essentials-to-practical organization within each chapter and inclusion of tabs distinguishing exam content. Further content and live demonstrations with Jean Andrews are available on the accompanying CD, making this new edition a total solution for PC repair.

E-Book Content

CompTIA A+ 220-701 Essentials Exam Objectives DOMAIN 1 HARDWARE 1.1 Categorize storage devices and backup media 1.2 Explain motherboard components, types and features 1.3 Classify power supplies types and characteristics 1.4 Explain the purpose and characteristics of CPUs and their features 1.5 Explain cooling methods and devices 1.6 Compare and contrast memory types, characteristics and their purpose 1.7 Distinguish between the different display devices and their characteristics 1.8 Install and configure peripherals and input devices 1.9 Summarize the function and types of adapter cards 1.10 Install, configure and optimize laptop components and features 1.11 Install and configure printers DOMAIN 2 TROUBLESHOOTING, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 Given a scenario, explain the troubleshooting theory 2.2 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common hardware and operating system symptoms and their causes 2.3 Given a scenario, determine the troubleshooting methods and tools for printers 2.4 Given a scenario, explain and interpret common laptop issues and determine the appropriate basic troubleshooting method 2.5 Given a scenario, integrate common preventative maintenance techniques DOMAIN 3 OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE - UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, OPERATING SYSTEMS REFERRED TO WITHIN INCLUDE MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000, WINDOWS XP PROFESSIONAL, XP HOME, XP MEDIACENTER, WINDOWS VISTA HOME, HOME PREMIUM, BUSINESS AND ULTIMATE. 3.1 Compare and contrast the different Windows Operating Systems and their features 3.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate proper use of user interfaces 3.3 Explain the process and steps to install and configure the Windows OS 3.4 Explain the basics of boot sequences, methods and startup utilities DOMAIN 4 NETWORKING 4.1 Summarize the basics of networking fundamentals, including technologies, devices and protocols 4.2 Categorize network cables and connectors and their implementations 4.3 Compare and contrast the different network types DOMAIN 5 SECURITY 5.1 Explain the basics principles of security concepts and technologies 5.2 Summarize the following security features DOMAIN 6 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 6.1 Outline the purpose of appropriate safety and environmental procedures and given a scenario apply them 6.2 Given a scenario, demonstrate the appropriate use of communication skills and professionalism in the workplace Chapters see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ see A+ Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide Guide to to to to to to to to to to to Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware Hardware 2 and see A+ Guide to Hardware 6, 8 and see A+ Guide to Hardware see A+ Guide to Hardware see A+ Guide to Hardware 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and see A+ Guide to Hardware 1, 3 1, 5, 8 1, 3, 4, 10 and see A+ Guide to Hardware 4, 6, and see A+ Guide to Hardware 3, 8 and see A+ Guide to Hardware see A+ Guide to Hardware 8 and see A+ Guide to Hardwa
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