Obituaries In The Performing Arts, 1998: Film, Television, Radio, Theatre, Dance, Music, Cartoons And Pop Culture

E-Book Overview

From actor Philip Abbott (February 23, 1998) to scriptwriter Jerald Ziegman (June 12, 1998), the obituaries of 566 actors, dancers and choreographers, writers and others associated with pop culture and the performing arts can be found in this heavily illustrated work. Each entry includes the date, place and cause of death, along with a brief summary of the individual's career and citations to major newspaper and periodical stories reporting the death. Filmographies are given for film and television performers.

E-Book Content

Obituaries in the Performing Arts, ¡998 This page intentionally left blank Obituaries in the Performing Arts, ¡998 Film, Television, Radio, Theatre, Dance, Music, Cartoons and Pop Culture by HARRIS M. LENTZ III McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Je›erson, North Carolina, and London ISSN ¡087-96¡7 / ISBN 0-7864-0748-4 (softcover : 50# alkaline paper) ©1999 Harris M. Lentz, III. All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Manufactured in the United States of America McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers Box 6¡¡, Je›erson, North Carolina 28640 This book is dedicated to the memory of my friends Dina Stinnett, Claude Saxon, Eric Downey, Albert Gore, Sr., Charles Tuthill and Aunt Bess Turner, and to Cleveland Amory, Penny Edwards, Gene Evans, Carl Perkins and all the other great artists we lost in ¡998 This page intentionally left blank ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I greatly appreciate the assistance of my good friend , Carla Clark, and my mother, Helene Lentz. Special thanks also go to Bob King at Classic Images, for granting permission to use information from my columns, and to the people at Jerry Ohlinger’s for digging up many of the photographs appearing herein. Also, thanks to Andrew I. Porter at the Science Fiction Chronicle, Rosa Burnett and the staff at State Technical Institute library, Fred Davis, Eric Rohr, Ray Neilson, John Whyborn, Boyd Magers, Larry Tauber, Andrew Smith (aka Captain Comics), Nikki and Jimmy Walker, Bettye Dawson, Casey Jones, Tony Pruitt, Bobby Mathews, Kent Nelson, Drew, Arrin, and Freddie Clark, Dale Warren, Forrest J Ackerman, Nina and Mark He‡ngton, Anne Taylor, Dia Barbee, Andy Branham, John Nelson, Richard Allynwood, Joy Martin, Laura Hunt, Denise Tansil, Gary Holder, Hal Stansbury, John Janovich, and the fine folks at J. Alexander’s, Tommy Gattas, James Gattas, the University of Memphis Library, Memphis and Shelby County public libraries. vii This page intentionally left blank TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments vii Introduction ¡ Reference Bibliography 3 The ¡998 Obituaries ix 5 This page intentionally left blank INTRODUCTION 809, Muscatine IA 5276¡), a newspaper devoted to classic films and their performers. I also write a small column on science fiction film–related deaths for the Science Fiction Chronicle (P.O. Box 022730, Brooklyn NY ¡¡202). Information on the deaths of the individuals found in this volume has been gathered from a myriad of sources. Primary sources, as previously noted, are listed in the individual bibliographies, including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Times (of London), The Washington Post, Variety, Time, People, TV Guide and Newsweek. Other sources include Boyd Magers’ Western Clippings, The Memphis Commercial Appeal, The Hollywood Reporter, The (Manchester) Guardian, The Comics Buyer’s Guide, Locus, The Boston Globe, Pro Wrestling Torch, Psychotronic Video, The Comics Journal and Facts on File. Several sources on the Internet have also been helpful, including You’re
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