E-Book Overview
From dandruff to DNA, from ammunition to infrared spectrophotometry, forensic scientists employ the commonplace and the esoteric to get their man or woman. Forensic Science is the only comprehensive reference work accessible to nonexperts on this fast-changing and ever-fascinating field of criminological study. Readers will learn how the latest scientific breakthroughs and the well-honed instincts of forensics experts come together to provide the clues and amass the evidence to bring America's most notorious criminals to justice.From famous firsts in forensics to possible future developments in the science, the expert team of contributors put together by William Tilstone, executive director of the National Forensic Science Technology Center, examines techniques and technologies, key cases, critical controversies, and ethical and legal issues.
E-Book Content
FORENSIC SCIENCE An Encyclopedia of History, Methods, and Techniques William J.Tilstone, Kathleen A. Savage, and Leigh A. Clark
Santa Barbara, California • Denver, Colorado • Oxford, England
Copyright © 2006 by ABC-CLIO All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tilstone,William J. Forensic science : an encyclopedia of history, methods, and techniques / William J.Tilstone, Kathleen A. Savage, and Leigh A. Clark. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-57607-194-4 (hardcover : alk. paper) — ISBN 1-57607-592-3 (ebook) 1. Forensic sciences—Encyclopedias. 2. Forensic sciences—History. 3. Criminal investigation—Encyclopedias. 4. Criminal investigation—History. I. Savage, Kathleen A. II. Clark, Leigh A. III.Title. HV8073.T55 2006 363.2503—dc22
10 09 08 07 06 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an e-book.Visit abc-clio.com for details. ABC-CLIO, Inc. 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116–1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper. Manufactured in the United States of America.
Introduction, 1 ABO Blood Groups, 67 Abortion, 68 Accelerant Residues, 68 Accreditation, 70 Acid Phosphatase, 71 Admissibility of Scientific Evidence, 71 Age Estimation, 72 Alcohol, 72 Amelogenin, 76 American Board of Criminalistics (ABC), 76 American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors (ASCLD), 76 American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors/Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB), 76 Ammonium Nitrate–Based Explosives, 77 Ammunition, 77 Amphetamines, 79 Andrews,Tommie Lee, 79 Anthropology, 80 Antibody, 80 Antigen, 81 Antiserum, 81 Arson, 81 Arson and Explosives Incidents System (AEXIS), 82 Asphyxia, 82 Assault, 83
Associative Evidence, 83 Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), 84 Automobile Examination, 85 Autopsy, 85 Barbiturates, 87 Battered Baby Syndrome, 87 Benzidine, 87 Bite Marks, 88 Black Powder, 88 Blood, 88 Blood Grouping, 89 Blood Spatters, 90 Bloodstain Identification, 90 Bombs, 91 Bradley, Stephen, 92 Bulbs (Automobile, Examination of in Accidents), 92 Bullets, 93 Bundy,Ted, 94 Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), 95 Burns, 95 California Association of Criminalists (CAC), 97 Cannabis, 97 Carbon Monoxide, 99 i
Casts, 100 Cause of Death, 100 Chain of Custody, 100 Charred Documents, 101 Clandestine Drug Laboratories, 101 Class Characteristics, 101 Cocaine, 101 Color Tests, 102 Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), 104 Comparison Microscope, 104 Contact Gunshot Wounds, 104 Controlled Substances, 105 Corroborative Evidence,