Total English Upper Intermediate: Student's Book

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UNIT '4 4 p a g e5 page19 p a g e3 3 * a.-V page 47 page51 6 page 75 r LESSON L E S S O Nz question tags Grammar: Cando:checkinformation Grammar:any/every/n o/some Vocabulary:makingadiectivesfrom nouns C a nd o : e x p r e s sa g r e e m e n t / d i s a g r e e m e n t futuresoverview Grammar: verbphrases aboutwork Vocabulary: Cando:talkaboutfutureplansandmake predictio ns Grammar:FuturePerfectand FutureContinuous Vocabulary:'after work' activities C a nd o : d o a s u r v e ya n d r e p o r t h e r e s u l t s narratlve tenses Grammar: timeexpressions Vocabutary: Cando:writea shortstory G r a m m a ra: r t i c l e s Vocabulary:materials C a nd o : t a l k a b o u tm a t e r i a l sp, o s s e s s i o nasn d i n v e n t i no s (r) if structures Grammar: Cando:rvritea diaryentry G r a m m a re: x p r e s s i nogb l i g a t i o n Vocabulary:physicaImovements C a nd o : e x p l a i nh o wt o d o s o m e t h i n g Grammar:usedto/getusedto/would V o c a b u t a r ya:p p e a r a n c e C a nd o : d e s c r i b ea p p e a r a n c e Grammar:expressing ability C a nd o : t a l k a b o u tm e m o r i e s G r a m m a rP: r e s e nPt e r f e cSt i m p l ea n d C o n t i un o u s Vocabutary:adjectiveswith -ed and -ing Grammar: ouestions Vocabulary: weather Cando:askandanswer ouestions aboutunusual olaces endings C a nd o : w r i t ea n i n f o r m ael m a i l = € page89 * page1o3 page 777 1# page131 G r a m m a rc: o u n t a b l e a n d u n c o u n t a b lneo u n s V o c a b u l a r yf o : o da n d c o o k i n g C a nd o : d e s c r i b eh o w t o p r e p a r ea n d c o o ka dish Grammar: oassives Vocabulary: verbphrases aboutmoney Cando:writea forma[ letterof comolaint Grammar: lt's time/lA rather/'d better g personality Vocabulary:describin C a nd o : d e s c r i b ed i f f e r e ntty p e so f p e o p l e G r a m m a rr:e p o r t e ds p e e c h Vocabulary:adjectivesand intensifiers C a nd o : r e p o r ta n d d e s c r i b e w h a t p e o p l es a yt o y o u devices.e.g.After+ -ing Grammar:past modalsof deductionmust/might/ Grammar:sequencing can'thovedone V o c a b u l a r yl a : wa n di n s u r a n c e Vocabulary:compound adjectives Cando: te[[ a funnystory C a nd o : s p e c u l a t a e b o u tp a s te v e n t s er o n o u n s G r a m m a rr:e f l e x i v p C a nd o : a s ka b o u ta n d g i v ey o u ro w n b e l i e f s a n do p i n l o n s G r a m m a rg: e r u n d sa n d i n f i n i t i v e s g Vocabulary:advertisin w r i t e t h e C a nd o : a r g u m e n tfso r a n d a g a i n s at p o i n t of view COMMUNICATION P h r a s avIe r b s (retationships) Yourfamilyhistory Goodrelations C o l l o c a t i o nwsi t h prepositions Thebestcandidate Grammar: adjectives andadverbs Vocabulary: phrases verb withtake Cando:givea presentation abouta place M a k i n gn o u n s Lessons fromhistory Filmheroes Grammar: emphasis Vocabulary: phrasal verbswithouf Cando:compare photographs andcontrast D i s t a n c easn d dimensions Takea risk Grammar:olthoughtbuth owever/nevertheless Vocabulary: feelings Cando:talkaboutbooks ldiomsdescribing Timecapsule people H o m eR o a dM o v i e Grammar: making comparisons Vocabutary: g/travettin g verbphrasesabout movin Cando:makecomparisons aboutplacesandpeople Expressions withgo Travelling companrons Bhutan Grammar: have/get somethingdone Vocabulary: animalexpressions Cando:talkaboutservices Prefixes C a nI h e l py o u ? Vikings Grammar: hardandhardly Ca
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