E-Book Overview
In this highly readable book, H.S. Green, a former student of Max Born and well known as an author in physics and in the philosophy of science, presents a timely analysis of theoretical physics and related fundamental problems.
E-Book Content
Texts and Monographs in Physics Series Editors: R. Balian W. Beiglbock N. Reshetikhin H. Spohn W. Thirring
H. Grosse
E. H. Lieb
From Microphysics to Macrophysics I + n Methods and Applications of Statistical Physics By R. Balian
From Electrostatics to Optics A Concise Electrodynamics Course ByG. Scharf
Quantom Mechanics: Foundations and Applications 3rd enlarged edition By A. Bohm
of Continuous Media By M.
Quantum The Quantum Theory of Particles, Fields, and Cosmology By E. Elbaz Quantum Relativity A Synthesis of the Ideas of Einstein and Heisenberg By D. R. Finkelstein Quantum Mechanics I + IT By A Galindo and P. Pascual
The Elements of Mechanics By G. Gallavotti
Local Quantum Physics
Fields, Particles, Algebras 2nd revised and eolarged editioo By R. Haag
Supersymmetric Methods in Quantom and Statistical Physics By G. Jnnker
CP Violation Without Strangeness Electric Dipole Moments of Particles, Atoms, and Molecules By I. B. Kluiplovich and S. K. Lamoreaux Quantom Groups and Their Representations By A. Klimyk and K. Schroiidgen Quantum Entropy and Its Use By M. Ohya and D. Petz
Generalized Coherent States and Their Applications By A. Perelomov
Path Integral Approach to Quantom Physics An Introduction 2nd printing By G. Roepstorlf FinIte Quantom Electrodynamics The Causal Approach 2nd edition ByO. Scharf
The Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Large Scale Dynamics of Interacting Particles By H. Spohn
The Theory of Quark and GlUOD Interactinns 3rd revised and eolarged edition By F.J. Ynduriin Relativistic Quantwn Mechanics and Introduction to Field Theory By F. J. Ynduriin
Reoormalizatlon An Introduction By M. Salmhofer Statistical Methods in Quantom Optics 1. Master Equations and Foklao:-Planck Equations By H. J. Carmichael
Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems Volume 1: Closed-Form and Exact Solu tions 2nd, revised and eolarged edition By D. A. Lavis and G. M. Bell Statistical Mechanics oCLattice Systems Volume 2: Exact, Series and Renormalization Group Methods By D. A. Lavis and O. M. Bell Fields, Symmetries, and Quarks 2nd, revised and enlarged edition By U. Mosel Conformal Invariance and Critical Phe nomena By M. Henkel Statistical Mechanics A Short '!reatise By O. Gallavotti Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter Physics By N. Nag.osa Quantum Field Theory In Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems By N. Nagaosa Information Theory and Quantom Physics Physical Foundations for Under standing the Conscious Process By H.S. Green
Herbert S. Green
Infornlation Theory and Quantum Physics Physical Foundations for Understanding the Conscious Process
Professor Dr. Herbert S. Green t Department of Physics and Malhematical Physics
University of A delaide Soulh Australia 5005. Australia
Editors Roger Balian
Nicolai Reshetikhin
CEA Service de Physique Theorique de Saclay F-9119l Oif-sur-Yvette. France
Department of Malhematics
WQIf BeiglbOck
Herbert Spohn
Instiblt fur Aogewandte Malhematik Universitiit Heidelberg.1NF 294
D-69l20 Heidelberg. Oermany
Zentrum Malhematik Technische Universitiit Miincben 0-80290 Miinchen. Germany
Harald Grosse
Walter Thirring
fustitut fur Thearetische Physik Universitiit Wien
fustitut fur Theoretiscbe Physik Universilit Wien Boltzmanngasse 5 A-I 090 Wien, Austria
Boltzmanngasse 5
A-1090 Wieu. A