Russia Moves Into The Global Economy (routledge Studies In The Modern World Economy)

E-Book Overview

John M. Letiche is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley

E-Book Content

Russia Moves into the Global Economy Letiche’s book is a fine analysis, of interest to all observers of new world economic trends. Lawrence R. Klein, Nobel Laureate in Economics Professor Letiche’s book is certainly the most comprehensive and up-todate review of the important economic and political developments currently taking place in Russia. It also has the merit of being well documented, carefully balanced, and quite provocative in its analysis and conclusions. His analysis of the developments in the energy sector is of particular interest in this context. Jacques R. Artus, Former Deputy of the European Department, I.M.F. Russia is breaking out from historic cataclysms into the global economy. This book is necessary reading for anyone with an interest in what is really happening in Russia today. Three phases are identified and explored in Russia’s successful economic transition. The first is associated predominantly with an effective depreciation in the value of the ruble. The second is driven primarily by the sharp rise in world energy prices. The third phase represents a continuum of phase one and two, with successes and setbacks of President Putin’s administration. Thus, the concluding part of this study considers longer-term reforms in both economic and non-economic areas. The book will benefit undergraduate as well as graduate students of subjects such as international economics, Russian and eastern European politics and economics. John M. Letiche is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. Routledge studies in the modern world economy 1 Interest Rates and Budget Deficits A study of the advanced economies Kanhaya L. Gupta and Bakhtiar Moazzami 2 World Trade after the Uruguay Round Prospects and policy options for the twenty-first century Edited by Harald Sander and András Inotai 3 The Flow Analysis of Labour Markets Edited by Ronald Schettkat 4 Inflation and Unemployment Contributions to a new macroeconomic approach Edited by Alvaro Cencini and Mauro Baranzini 5 Macroeconomic Dimensions of Public Finance Essays in honour of Vito Tanzi Edited by Mario I. Blejer and Teresa M. Ter-Minassian 6 Fiscal Policy and Economic Reforms Essays in honour of Vito Tanzi Edited by Mario I. Blejer and Teresa M. Ter-Minassian 7 Competition Policy in the Global Economy Modalities for co-operation Edited by Leonard Waverman, William S. Comanor and Akira Goto 8 Working in the Macro Economy A study of the US labor market Martin F.J. Prachowny 9 How Does Privatization Work? Edited by Anthony Bennett 10 The Economics and Politics of International Trade Freedom and trade: volume II Edited by Gary Cook 11 The Legal and Moral Aspects of International Trade Freedom and trade: volume III Edited by Asif Qureshi, Hillel Steiner and Geraint Parry 12 Capital Markets and Corporate Governance in Japan, Germany and the United States Organizational response to market inefficiencies Helmut M. Dietl 13 Competition and Trade Policies Coherence or conflict Edited by Einar Hope 14 Rice The primary commodity A.J.H. Latham 15 Trade, Theory and Econometrics Essays in honour of John S. Chipman Edited by James C. Moore, Raymond Riezman and James R. Melvin 16 Who Benefits from Privatisation? Edited by Moazzem Hossain and Justin Malbon 17 Towards a Fair Global Labour Market Avoiding the new slave trade Ozay Mehmet, Errol Mendes and Robert Sinding 18 Models of Futures Markets Edited by Barry Goss 19 Venture Capital Investment An agency analysis of UK practice Gavin C. Reid 20 Macroeconomic Forecasting A sociological appraisal Robert Evans 21 Multimedia and Regional Economic Restructuring Edited by Hans-Joachim Braczyk, Gerhard Fuchs and Hans-Georg Wolf 22 The New Industr
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