Greek Historical Inscriptions, 404-323 Bc

E-Book Overview

This volume is a successor to the second volume of M. N. Tod's Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions (OUP, 1948). It provides an up-to-date selection--with introduction, Greek texts, English translations, and commentaries which cater to the needs of today's students--of inscriptions which are important for the study of Greek history in the fourth century BC. The texts chosen illuminate not only the mainstream of Greek political and military history, but also institutional, social, economic, and religious life.

E-Book Content

GREEK HISTORICAL INSCRIPTIONS 404-323 BC This page intentionally left blank GREEK HISTORICAL INSCRIPTIONS 404-323 BG Edited with introduction, translations, and commentaries by P. J. R H O D E S and ROBIN OSBORN E OXTORD UNIVERSITY PRES S OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRES S Great Clarendo n Street , Oxford 0x2 6DP Oxford University Press is a department o f the Universit y of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship , and educatio n by publishing worldwide in Oxford Ne w York Auckland Bangko k Bueno s Aires Gap e Town Ghenna i Dar e s Salaam Delh i Hon g Kong Istanbu l Karach i Kolkat a Kuala Lumpu r Madri d Melbourn e Mexic o City Mumba i Nairob i Sao Paulo Shangha i Taipe i Toky o Toront o Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK an d i n certain other countries Published in the United State s by Oxford University Press Inc., New York © P. J. Rhode s an d Robin Osborn e 200 3 The mora l rights of the authors have been asserted Database righ t Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2003 First published in paperback 200 7 All rights reserved. No par t of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, i n any form o r by any means , without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under term s agreed with the appropriat e reprographics right s organization. Enquiries concerning reproductio n outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department , Oxford University Press, at the address abov e You must not circulat e this book in any other binding o r cover and you must impose this same condition o n any acquirer British Library Cataloguing i n Publication Data Data available Library o f Congress Catalogin g i n Publication Data Greek historical inscriptions: 404—323 Bc / edite d with introduction , translations, and commentaries by P. J. Rhode s an d Robin Osborne . 1. Inscriptions , Gree k 2 . Greece—History—Sparta n an d Theban supremacies, 404-362 BC—Sources. 3 . Greece—History — Macedonian Expansion , 359—32 3 BC—Sources. I. Rhodes , P.J . (PeterJohn ) II . Osborne , Robin , 1957 CN365.074 2003 9 38'.06—dc2i 200204255 2 ISBN 978-0-19-815313-9 (Hbk.) 978-0-19-921649-9 (Pbk.) 1 3 5 7 9 1 0 8 6 42 Typeset b y Regent Typesetting , Londo n Printed in Great Britai n on acid-free pape r b y Biddies Ltd., Guildfor d & King's Lynn PREFACE The firs t volum e of M. N . Tod's Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions (followin g earlier selections by E. L. Hicks and G . F. Hill: published in 1933, second edition 1946) was superseded b y th e volum e compile d b y Russel l Meiggs an d Davi d Lewi s in 196 9 (revised 1988). David Lewis had hoped to produce a volume to supersede Tod's second volume (publishe d 1948) : h e firs t considere d in 197 7 what migh t b e included , an d again in 1991-2 he consulted a number of colleagues includingboth o f us; but afte r he had finishe d editin g Inscriptiones Graecae, 13, he saw work on the tablets from Persepolis as his highest priority. After his death in 1994 Rhodes, as his literary executor, invited Osborne t o join hi m i n perseverin g with th e project ; an d thi s volume, whic h w e dedicate to the memory of David L
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