The Use Of Lsd In Psychotherapy And Alcoholism

E-Book Content

The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism Edited by Harold A. Abramson, M.D. Introduction by Dr. Frank Fremont-Smith FROM THE TABLE OF CONTENTS SOCIAL AND PARA-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS, Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Southern California William H. McGlothlin, Ph.D., DOLPHIN-HUMAN RELATION AND LSD 25, John C. Lilly, M.D., Director, Communication Research Institute, Miami; St. Thomas, V.I. THEORETICAL ASPECTS OF LSD THERAPY, Dr. John Buckman, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., Senior Hospital Medical Officer, Marlborough Day Hospital, London THE USE OF LSD 25 IN PERSONALITY DIAGNOSTICS AND THERAPY OF PSYCHOGENIC DISORDERS, Stanislaw Grof, M.D., Research Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Research Institute, Prague LSD FACILITATION OF PSYCHOANALYTIC TREATMENT: A CASE STUDY IN DEPTH, Charles Clay Dahlberg, M.D., Training and Supervisory Analyst, William Alanson White Psychoanalytic Institute, New York City A CASE OF CHANGE AND PARTIAL REGRESSION FOLLOWING ONE LSD 25 TREATMENT, Jack L. Ward, M.D., Staff Psychiatrist, New Jersey Reformatory at Bordentown, Mercer Hospital A PROGRAM FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALCOHOLISM: LSD, MALVARIA AND NICOTINIC ACID, Abram Hoffer, M.D., Director, Psy- chiatric Research, Department of Public Health, Saskatchewan A COMMENT ON SOME USES OF PSYCHOTOMIMETICS IN PSYCHIATRY, Humphry Osmond, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.P.M., F.W.A., Director, Bureau of Neurology and Psychiatry, New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute IS LSD OF VALUE IN TREATING ALCOHOLICS?, Ruth Fox, M.D., Medical Director, National Council on Alcoholism Chief, Psycho somatic Medicine, Veterans Administration Hospital, Los Angeles PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH LSD, Sidney Cohen, M.D., PRELIMINARY METHOD FOR STUDY OF LSD WITH CHILDREN, Andre Rob, M.D., Director, Leonard W. Krinsky, Ph.D., Director, Psychological Service, Harold A. Abramson, M.D., Director of Research, L. Goldfarb, M.D., Clinical Director, South Oaks Psychiatric Hospital, Amityville, New York Back jacket flap Front jacket flap $17.50 The Use of LSD IN PSYCHOTHERAPY and Alcoholism Edited by Harold A. Abramson, M.D. Introduction by Frank Fremont-Smith, M.D. In the midst of the nation-wide front-page furors over the indiscriminate public use of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) one fact remains clear. There is an interest unprecedented in recent history in the drug's effects—whether they are thought to be mind-damaging or, as most experienced and responsible investigators claim, perhaps the greatest breakthrough in psychotherapy in the last sixty years. Beneath the near-hysterical headlines, beneath the allegations of thrill-seeking and cultism, it is sometimes mentioned that informed, expert, and methodical research into the therapeutic applications of LSD has been taking place for more than twenty years. It is this thorough, important research and its meaningful findings that are reported, with neither preconceived bias nor sensationalism, in The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy and Alcoholism. continued from front flap In May 1965, Dr. Harold A. Abramson called together at South Oaks Hospital, Amityville, N.Y., fifty doctors, scientists, and psychiatrists from all over the Western world (and from behind the Iron Curtain) to deliver papers on their work with this remarkable drug. Included in the book are discussions of the thirty-six papers by the participants in the conference. Their questionings, agreements, and disputes lead inevitably to controversy, but it is an unmistakably productive one. THE AUTHOR Dr. Harold A. Abramson—Director of Research at South Oaks Hospital and a pioneer in the field of combined psychiatric and
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