Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology (amast’93): Proceedings Of The Third International Conference On Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology, University Of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 21–25 June 1993

   Authors: Maurice Nivat , Charles Rattray BSc , MSc , FIMA , FBCS , C.Eng. , C.Math. , Teodor Rus PhD (auth.) , Maurice Nivat , Charles Rattray BSc , MSc , FIMA , FBCS , C.Eng. , C.Math. , Teodor Rus PhD , Giuseppe Scollo PhD (eds.)

Handbook Of Food And Beverage Fermentation Technology (food Science And Technology, Vol. 134)

   Authors: Y. H. Hui , Lisbeth Meunier-Goddik , Ase Slovejg Hansen , Jytte Josephsen , Wai-Kit Nip , Peggy S. Stanfield , Fidel Toldra