The Intrareligious Dialogue

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E-Book Overview

A revised and expanded edition of a classic volume by one of the giants in his field, Raimon Panikkar, this significant volume discusses faith and belief in multireligious experience, with emphasis on understanding one's own religion and tradition before attempting to understand someone else's. Panikkar begins by pointing out the prevailing attitudes and critical models for attaining a pluralism standing "between unrelated plurality and a monolithic unity." For the author this is a pluralism which "takes our factual situation as real and affirms that in the actual polarities of our human experience we find our real being." He describes an intrareligious dialogue in which faith is not confused with belief, in which religious encounter must be a truly religious one, and in which the participants overcome temptation to defend themselves. The major religions of the world and particularly the Christian, Hindu and Buddhist traditions are seen as the response to the human predicament, "that Man is a being not yet finished, a reality unachieved, growing, becoming, on the way, a pilgrim." It means for each person to "touch the shore of nothingness provided he does not rest in that non-existing place. It means to develop all the human potentialities, provided these are not artificially concocted dreams. It means finally to know and accept the human predicament and, at the same time, to recognize that this very human predicament carries with it the constant overcoming of all that Man is now."

E-Book Content

5 7633 995> iII Copyright C 1999 by Raimon Panikkar Wustrations C 1999 by Jordi Gumi rights reserved. No part of this book may be tepaoduced or trans­ in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval All mitted system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Ubrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Panikkar, Raimon, 191� The intrareligious dialogue I Raimon Panikkar. - Rev. ed. p. em . Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8091-3763-1 (alk. paper) 1. Religions-Relations. 2. Christianity and other religions. I. Title. BU10.P36 1999 291.1'72-dc21 98-49313 CIP Published by Paulist Press 997 Macarthur Boulevard Mahwah, New Jersey 07430 Printed and bound in the United States of America Contents Ust of Abbreviations VII The lntrareligious Dialogue ix Preface to the New Edition xi A Note to the Reader xiii Preface XV THE SERMON ON ntE MOUNT Of INTRAREUGIOUS DIALOGUE 1. THE RH£TORJC OF ntE DIALOGUE 1 3 1. Five Attitudes 5 Ezclusivism 5 lnclusroism 6 Paralltlism 7 9 lnt�ttration Pluralism 10 2. Five Models 11 (Aogrtlplric/Jl: 1M Ways to IM Mount11in Pftlk 12 PhysiaJJ: The RsJirrbow 15 GftJmdriaU: 1M TopologiciJllnVIIrillnt 17 Anthropologia�l: I.Angw�g� 19 Mystiall: Silmct 22 2. THE DIALOGICAL DIALOGUE 23 1. Background 23 2. Thesis 26 iii iv CONTENTS 3. Dialogue and Dialectics 27 4. Dialectical Dialogue 29 5. Dialogical Dialogue 29 6. Thinking and Being 32 7. S ubject and Object 8. land Thou 9. 35 Myth and Logos 3. FAIDt AND BEUEF: A MULTIREUGIOUS ExPERIENCE 1. 33 Introduction<