Fundamentals Of Transport Phenomena In Porous Media

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FUNDAMENTALS OF T R A N S P O R T P H E N O M E N A IN P O R O U S M E D I A This Page Intentionally Left Blank Developments in Soil Science 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN POROUS MEDIA IAHR International Association for Hydraulic Research ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY A M S T E R D A M / L O N D O N / N E W YORK 1972' Distribution of this book is being handled by the following publishers: For the U . S . A . and Canada American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, New York, 10017 For Israel Jerusalem Academic Press P.O.Box 2390 Jerusalem, Israel For all remaining areas Elsevier Publishing Company 335 Jan van Galenstraat P.O.Box 21 I , Amsterdam, The Netherlands Library of Congress Card Number 71-183910 ISBN 0-444-99897-7 Based on the proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media Technion City. Haifa, Isiad. 23 28 February. 1969 With 109 illustrations and 14 tables Copyright Q 1972 by ELSEVIER PUBLISHING COMPANY, AMSTERDAM All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, o r transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Elsevier Publishing Company, Jan van Galenstraat 335, Amsterdam Printed in Israel PREFACE Flow through porous materials is encountered in many scientific and engineering disciplines. Although this subject could have been regarded as one of the topics of Fluid Mechanics, there exists sufficient distinction which warrants its treatment as a separate discipline. However, as this subject has been approached by scientists coming from different backgrounds and having different applications, the development of this discipline has progressed along more or less parallel lines by hydrologists, soil physicists, reservoir engineers, chemical engineers, etc. Often a different nomenclature was used to describe the same phenomena. In 1967 a Section on Flow Through Porous Media was established within the framework of the International Association for Hydraulic Research. Among the aims of this Section are to foster liaisons between those engaged in basic and applied research, as well as in the practical application of the dynamics of fluids in porous materials by encouraging : (a) Discussion and publication of research information. (b) Stimulation of basic and applied research and exchange of corresponding information. (c) Bringing to the attention of members significant progress in the theory of dynamics of fluids in porous media made by research in disciplines such as hydrodynamics, groundwater hydrology, reservoir engineering, soil physics, soil mechanics, chemical engineering, etc. It is to achieve these aims that the First International Symposium on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media has been convened. Special efforts were made by the Section’s Committee and by the Organizing Committee to make the Symposium a meeting ground for hydrologists, reservoir engineers, soil physicists and chemical engineers, for an exchange of ideas traditionally derived from different points of view. As already indicated by the name of this Symposium, it deals with the fundamentals rather than with applications. In addition, a balance was sought in the contributed papers between those which are in nature a review, and those which summarize original studies. Those were the criteria which guided the reviewers of the papers in their decisions. V Financial support from the following organizations is gratefully acknowledged : - TECHNION - Israel Institute of Technology, - WATER COMMISSION - Ministry of Agriculture, - TAHAL - Water Planning for Israel Ltd., - MEKOROT - Wa