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[email protected] Reason: I attest to the accuracy and integrity of this document Date: 2005.04.29 01:19:32 +08'00' Robert E. Quinn Q Building the Bridge As You Walk On It A Guide for Leading Change Praise for Building the Bridge As You Walk On It “Prepare yourself for a journey into intellectual, emotional, and spiritual integrity—a journey that will span the remaining course of one’s life.” —Allen C. Bluedorn, author, The Human Organization of Time “Bob Quinn makes exquisite use of real-life experiences in such a way that his book is engaging as well as profound. It speaks to me directly.” —Ricardo B. Levy, founder and chairman of the board, Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc. “This book is not about superheroes, but about how each one of us has the power to create positive change—if only we are willing to see and step into our own capabilities.” —Sim B. Sitkin, director, Fuqua-Coach K Center on Leadership and Ethics, Duke University “For someone who has struggled for twenty-five years with change, personally and professionally—as an internal change agent, external consultant, and academic—Building the Bridge As You Walk On It provides a profound integration of the self/other/organizational contexts and a timely reminder that all change is self-change.” —Mike McGrath, vice president of consulting services, Executive Development Associates “I picked up Building the Bridge on a gray, rainy California morning thinking I would peruse a few pages before a nap. I laid the manuscript down only when the last page had been turned many hours later. No nap! Instead a bright awakening to insight and wisdom regarding leadership that Robert Quinn lucidly structures through stories carefully paired with precise conceptualization.” —André L. Delbecq, Thomas J. and Kathleen L. McCarthy University Professor, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University “Quinn details the practices to follow in the journey towards the fundamental state of leadership. Leaders of corporations, governments, nonprofits, community action, families, academic departments—all find resonance with this book!” —Laurie N. DiPadova-Stocks, founding director, Scripps Howard Center for Civic Engagement, Northern Kentucky University “This book provides a guide for change that leaders at all levels of the organization can understand and use. More important, it will help them become people who really like themselves. Because they live and act from principle, they will not have to worry about the craziness of organizations and life.” —Lloyd Baird, director, the Leadership Institute, Boston University “With more and more people reading this book, the notion of resistance to change may gradually fade. Quinn’s attractive concept of positive deviancy is not only an antidote to resistance but a way of thinking and acting that e