E-Book Overview
This brilliantly innovative textbook is intended as a first introduction to quantum mechanics and its applications. Townsend's new text shuns the historical ordering that characterizes so-called Modern Physics textbooks and applies a truly modern approach to this subject, starting instead with contemporary single-photon and single-atom interference experiments. The text progresses naturally from a thorough introduction to wave mechanics through applications of quantum mechanics to solid-state, nuclear, and particle physics, thereby including most of the topics normally presented in a Modern Physics course. Examples of topics include blackbody radiation, Bose-Einstein condensation, the band-structure of solids and the silicon revolution, the curve of binding energy and nuclear fission and fusion, and the Standard Model of particle physics. Students can see in quantum mechanics a common thread that ties these topics into a coherent picture of how the world works, a picture that gives students confidence that quantum mechanics really works, too. The book also includes a chapter-length appendix on special relativity for the benefit of students who have not had a previous exposure to this subject. Also available is an accompanying, detailed Instructor's Solutions Manual for adopting professors.
E-Book Content
Constants and Conversion Factors 10- 34 J· s = 4.136 x 10- " eV·s Planck 's constant " = 6.626 hbar Ii = " / 2IT = 1.055 Speed of light e = 2.998 x 108 m/ s Elementary charge e = 1.602 x 10- 19 C Fine-structure constant 0: Boltzmann constant kg = 1.381 x 10- 23 J/ K = 8.617 x 10- 5 cV/ K Avogadro constant N. , = 6.022 x lOll particles/mole Electron mass III , = 9.109 Proton mass 111 1' = 1. 673 x 10- 27 kg = 938.3 MeV / c2 Neutron mass 111 " = 1.675 Bohr radius ao = 4rr EOIi 2 / Rydberg energy heRoo = Bohr magneto n /Lil I keV = 103 eV I IL I11 = 10- 6 m X X 10- 34 J·s = 6.582 x 10- 16 eV·s = e2 / 4rrEolle = 7.297 x 10- 3 = 1/ 137.036 X X 10- 31 kg =0.5 110MeV/ c2 2 10- 27 kg = 939.6 MeV / c III ,C 2 2 2 lII ,c 0: /2 = 0.5292 x 10- 10 III = 13.6 1 eV 5 = eli / 2111 , = 5.788 x 10- eV / T I MeV = 106 eV I 11111 = 10- 9 leV = 1.602 x 10- 19 .1 III I GeV = 109 eV I pm = 10I A= 12 111 I TeV = 10 12 eV I fm = 10- 15 m 0.1 n111 = 10- 10 111 Quantum Physics A Fundamental Approach to Modern Physics John S. Townsend HARVEY MUDD COLLEGE -4>University Science Books Sausalito, California University Science Books www.uscibooks.com Production Manager: Christine Taylor Ma nuscript Editor: Lee Young Design: Yvonne Tsang at Wilsted & Taylor Illu strator: LM Graphics Composit or: Macmillan Publi sh ing So lutions Cove r Design: Genelle hoko McGrew Printer & Binder: Edwards Brothers, Inc. This book is printed on ac id· free paper. Copyright 2010 by University Science Books Reproduction or trans lat ion of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 Uni ted Sta les Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or furthe r informat ion should be addressed to the Permissions Department. University Science Books. Library of Congress Cata loging· in· Publieation Data Townsend, John S. Quantum physics: a fundamenlal ? ~ -. ) >, 10'" ;;-