Chess Strategy In Action

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E-Book Overview

John Watson fleshes out the theory presented to enormous acclaim in Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy and extends it into new areas. He illustrates the modern practice of chess with many examples from imaginative players such as Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand, Ivanchuk and tempestuous innovators such as Shirov and Morozevich. In Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy, Watson broke new ground by describing the developments in chess strategy since the time of Nimzowitsch. He explained how modern players are more willing than their predecessors to favour dynamic considerations over static ones, and how they have increasingly transcended the limiting 'rules' which influenced play in earlier times. The dominant results of Garry Kasparov and the rise of a new generation of supergrandmasters testify to the effectiveness of this dynamic and open-minded philosophy which has enriched modern chess. Those who enjoyed Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy will welcome the clarification of important concepts. Chess Strategy in Action can also be read on its own as an outstanding collection of modern games with thoughtful and enlightening annotations.

E-Book Content

Hello everybody!! We are a group of chess fans who are producing new chess material. We have members from all around the world, belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages, all of us joined by our common love for chess! We hope you will enjoy our work! If you are interested in joining us, or send any comments drop us an email at: [email protected] Best regards!! Hola a todos! Somos un grupo de fanáticos del ajedrez, que estamos tratando de producir nuevo material como este, desarrollando diferentes proyectos e ideas. Tenemos miembros de diferentes partes del mundo, provenientes de diferentes culturas, hablando diferentes lenguas, unidos por nuestra pasión por el ajedrez!. Esperamos que disfruten de esta muestra de nuestro trabajo!. Si alguien estuviese interesado en unirse al grupo nos pueden escribir a: [email protected] Saludos! Caissa Lovers

E-Book Information

  • Year: 2,003

  • Pages: 290

  • Pages In File: 290

  • Language: English

  • Topic: 46

  • Library: tech collections 2009-11-14

  • Identifier: 9781901983692,1901983692

  • Org File Size: 25,144,069

  • Extension: pdf

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