An Investigation Of The Relationship Between The Science Information Possessed By Ninth Grade General Science Students And Certain School And Out-of-school Science Experiences

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DOCTORAL DISSERTATION SERIES mi# immriM of m mmm gtrmtt/i w sefflU mtrtmti p m s t o a m i # s m £ sm m a l sutoce m m amearn jcm m wtf'Stm stmt imrnt a u th o r JM AI H £ /iM HtdCbRVM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UNIVERSITY MClflSAtt DEGREE. M. m g C lll , DATE _ PUBLICATION NO.. M SS, VMS lll|l|N[l|l|l|l|l|M|l|l|l|l|l|M|l|ll U f g UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS fiN INVESTIOATTON OF THE REL * TI ONS HI P BETWEEN THE SCIE.TCJ I N FORE ATI ON P OS S E S S E D BY NINTH OR ADr, OEHuRfL S T TTDENTS SCIENCE ANY CERTAIN SCHOOL AND OUT-OF-SCHOOL SCIENCE EXPERIENCES By John Woodburn A T h esis Subm itted to the School o f G raduate S t u d ie s o f M ichigan S t a t e C o l l e g e o f A r r i c u l t u r e and f o n l i e d S c i e n c e in n a r t ia l f u lf illm e n t o f the requirem ent? for the d ecree o f LOCTor OF PHILOSOPHY Depprtn-ent 1952 E ducation ACKNOWLi£DGD 1,LTS The author teachers, C entral cooperation for h is in role of counsel and etion the is tirth er Rorer of author's for hiyh advisory and students schools indebted th is anpr- e l a t i o n to for Dr. thesi s eorm ittee of the the th eir A. and to J. to H ur^ett the for other th eir ?7uidsnce. B o o k Company d] Illin o is adviser h is o fficia ls, study. as the express th is author members hr. to ad in in istrstive th irty-on e The w ishes T. ?ave th is Read G eneral arranrem ents for Lem on as a valued oroject Science the a rep resen tative contrib ution by m aking Test toward availab le and b y m a r i n e : d istrib u tion of the of the the data World coin- cono-rninp; sp ecial test b ook lets. TABLE OP CONTENTS PAGE CTTAFTER I. T ■:E PROBLEE AND D E F I i \ i l rJ IONS OF TERmS USED. . 1 T h e p r o b l e m ....................................................................................... 2 Statem ent of L im itation s The the of the im portance D efin ition s of nroblem of A review cal of an alysis O rgan ization II. P’ the of . . c. problem . , 3 the term s Terms p e c u l i a r l y . term s the the In this study. of scien ce in data ................................... of the . achievem ent of students stu d ies of science achievem ent i n Il-H C l u b s correlation in . 19 between 31 s e x ............................................... ..... 33 stu dies regarding associated and . and