Year: 2,017
Pages: 47
Language: English
Topic: 198
Identifier: 9781449488246,2017938444,1449486819
Org File Size: 24,143,297
Extension: epub
Tags: Advice for Everyday Troubles
Toc: CONTENTS LOVE CAULDRONS ------------------------------------ How do I survive the dating world? Why am I such a lusty boar? She won’t date me; what do I do? Will I die alone? Why can’t I stop falling in love? How can I be happy for my ex? How do I stop worrying about finding a mate? Why doesn’t he want to marry me? How do I keep living with my ex? Should I have broken up with him? Where are the legit dudes? Why do I keep getting sidetracked by romance? How can I deal with jealousy? Am I missing all the boats? How can I trust men again? How do I keep from dwelling on the love I haven’t had? How do I end an affair? How do I demonstrate my love? How will I know when it’s time to end it? Why can’t I stop thinking about marriage? Should I wait for her? How do I move on? Is a man ever worth fighting for? Why am I so shallow? How do I make room for another love? How can I give fewer fucks? Will lost love be regained? How do I stop worrying about an unlikely relationship? How do relationships survive mental illness? Why does no one want to date me? Will I ever fall in love again? GOOD IN YOUR BONES ------------------------------------ Am I no good? How can I let go of a painful memory? Why do I keep getting drunk on weeknights? How can I coexist with my family? Am I better than everyone? How do I be social again? How do I stop lashing out? Should I break up with my friend? Is it okay to be an introvert? Where has my spine gone? Is intuition real? How do I call out my friends? Is it possible to thrive in the face of chronic illness? How can I kill my ego? How can I stop being my own worst enemy? How do I becom