Series: IITJEE IIT JEE Chemistry
Year: 2,019
Pages: 1,677
Pages In File: 1,677
Language: English
Topic: 296
Commentary: Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE main and advanced McGraw Hill Education Rajni Garg Randhir Singh
Org File Size: 41,933,293
Extension: pdf
Tags: Inorganic Chemistry for IIT JEE main and advanced McGraw Hill Education Rajni Garg Randhir Singh
Toc: Author......Page 3Title......Page 4Copyright......Page 6Contents......Page 8Preface......Page 231.1 Introduction......Page 271.2 Rutherford Scattering Experiment......Page 281.3 Planck’s Quantum Theory of Radiation......Page 291.4 Photoelectric Effect......Page 301.5 Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen......Page 311.6 Bohr’s Model of the Atom......Page 321.7 Sommerfeld’s Extension of Bohr’s Atomic Model......Page 381.8 Dual Character of Matter......Page 401.9 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle......Page 421.10 Compton Effect......Page 431.11 Schrodinger Wave Equation......Page 441.12 Quantum Numbers......Page 501.13 Probability Distribution Curves......Page 531.14 Rules for Filling of Orbitals and Electronic Configuration of Elements......Page 55Summary......Page 60Solved Examples......Page 61Exercises......Page 642.1 Nucleus......Page 672.2 Composition of the Nucleus......Page 682.3 Nuclear Forces......Page 712.4 Nuclear Stability......Page 732.5 Nuclear Models......Page 762.6 Nuclear Reactions......Page 782.7 Radioactivity......Page 872.8 Radioactive Disintegration......Page 882.9 Law of Successive Disintegration: Radioactive Equilibrium......Page 892.10 Soddy-Fajans and Russel Group Displacement Law......Page 902.11 Artificial Radioactivity......Page 912.12 Applications of Radioactive Isotopes......Page 92Summary......Page 95Solved Examples......Page 96Exercises......Page 993.1 Introduction......Page 1023.2 Ionic Bond or Electrovalent Bond......Page 1033.3 Covalent Bond (Lewis-Langmuir Concept)......Page 1063.4 Dipole Moment......Page 1123.5 Coordinate Covalent Bond or Dative Bond......Page 1133.6 Van der Waals’ Forces or Intermolecular Forces......Page 1143.7 Hydrogen Bond......Page 1163.8 Orbital Overlap Theory......Page 1203.9 Molecular Orbital Theory......Page 1303.10 Metallic Bond......Page 1573.11 Hybridisation......Page 1623.12 Sidgwick – Powell Theory......Page 1763.13 Valence Shell Electron-pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR theory)......Page 1773.14 Shapes of Some Common Molecules......Page 1783.15 Linnett Double Quartet Theory (LDQ Theory)—Modification of Lewis Longmuir Octet Theory......Page 1883.16 Resonance......Page 192Summary......Page 195Solved Examples......Page 196Exercises......Page 1974.1 Introduction......Page 2024.2 Symmetry Element......Page 2034.3 Multiplication of Symmetry Operations......Page 2094.4 Mathematical Group......Page 2104.5 Matrix Representation of Symmetry Operatio