Toc: Cover Page......Page 2Inside Front Cover......Page 3Halftitle Page......Page 4Title Page......Page 5Copyright Page......Page 6Preface......Page 8Brief Contents......Page 24Contents......Page 26Part 1 Understanding Argument......Page 49Chapter 1 Approaches to Argument......Page 50What Is Argument?......Page 55Aristotelian Rhetoric......Page 57Logos......Page 58Research Skill Using Databases......Page 60Argument Essentials Aristotelian Rhetoric......Page 62Richard J. Davis, In Gun Control Debate, Logic Goes out the Window......Page 63The Shelter Pet Project, A Person Is the Best Thing to Happen to a Shelter Pet (advertisement)......Page 66Liza Long, I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother......Page 67The Stasis Questions......Page 73Stasis Theory Claims......Page 77Rogerian Argument......Page 78Argument Essentials Rogerian Argument......Page 80Julia Belluz And Steven J. Hoffman, Katie Couric and the Celebrity Medicine Syndrome......Page 81Sarah Seltzer, Teaching Trigger Warnings: What Pundits Don’t Understand about the Year’s Most Controversial Higher-Ed Debate......Page 82The Claim......Page 91The Support......Page 94The Assumption......Page 95Toulmin and the Syllogism......Page 96Argument Essentials The Toulmin Model......Page 97Robert J. Samuelson, In Health, We’re Not No. 1......Page 98Steven Reinberg, Embryo Selection May Help Prevent Some Inherited Disorders......Page 101Assignments for Understanding Approaches to Argument......Page 104Chapter 2 Critical Reading of Written Arguments......Page 106Strategies for Prereading......Page 108Carol Rose, On Pins and Needles Defending Artistic Expression......Page 109Amin Ahmad, I Belong Here......Page 111Strategies for Annotating a Text......Page 114Christopher Elliott, A Tale of Two Airlines......Page 116Summarizing......Page 119Research Skill Summarizing......Page 120Strategies for Writing Rhetorical Summaries......Page 121Mallory Simon, Gun Debate: Where Is the Middle Ground?......Page 122Stephanie Fairyington, The Gay Option......Page 127Strategies for Evaluating Arguments......Page 132Argument Essentials Examining Written Arguments......Page 133Bruce Schneier, The Internet Is a Surveillance State......Page 134Whitney Cramer, Giving Up Our Privacy: Is It Worth It? (student essay)......Page 137Assignments for Critical Reading of Written Arguments......Page 140Chapter 3 Critical Reading of Multimodal Arguments......Page 142Visual Rhetoric......Page 143Photographs......Page 144Dave Martin, Looting (photograph)......Page 145Rick Loomis, Los Angeles Airport Police Remove the Camouflaged Gun Case That Caused the Evacuation (photograph)......Page 146Dinendra Haria, Hey Mister! Hands Off My Sister! (photograph)......Page 147Michael Krasowitz, Texting and Driving (photograph)......Page 148Print Advertisements......Page 149Argument Essentials Visual Rhetoric......Page 150World Wildlife Fund, Stop Climate Change before It Changes You (advertisement)......Page