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RABBI NACHMAN'S WISDOM RABBI NACHMAN'S WISDOM Shevachay HaRan Sichos HaRan By RABBI NATHAN O F NEMIROV A Disciple of Rabbi Nachman Translated aad Annotated by RABBI A R Y E H KAPLAN Edited by R A B B I ZVI A R Y L H ROSEMFELO הועתק והוכנס לאינטרנט w w w . h e b r e w b o o k s . o r g ע״י היים תשס׳יח T A B L E OF CONTENTS Translator's Preface i PART O N E : Page Compiler's Introduction 1 The Praise of Rabbi Nachman (Shevacliay HaRan) 5 The Account of Rabbi Nachman's Pilgrimage to the Land of Israel 31 PART T W O : The Wisdom of Rabbi Nachman (Sithos HaRan) 103 Conversations Previously Existing Only in Manuscript 254 Conversations Relating to the Rebbe's Lessons 259 The Tales 284 Other Teachings . 293 The Rebbe's Devotion 303 His Attainment 314 His Opposition 347 On Avoiding Speculation Meditation Conversations 351 ... 364 370 APPENDIXES: A. The Life of Rabbi Nachman 429 B. A History of This Work 449 C. On Breslov 455 INDEX 457 Facing Page MAPS, CHARTS A N D ILLUSTRATIONS: The Ukraine: Where Rabbi Nachman Lived A Map of Rabbi Nachman's Pilgrimage 33 Rabbi Nachman's Family Tree 431 Rabbi Nachman's Chair 446 His Burial Place 447 TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE It seems that it is more than coincidence that I am writing this introduction on the 200th anniversary of Rabbi Nachman's birth. The more one studies his life, the more one realizes that everything he touched was filled with significance. Rabbi Nachman is one of the best known and most often quoted of the Chassidic masters. A great-grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, he added an entirely new dimension to Chassidic teachings. Even after two centuries, his teachings have a meaningful message. Now, as before, he speaks to seeking generations. To some, Rabbi Nachman is best known by his stories. These may be counted among the great classics of world literature, possessing profound depth that speaks to the very soul. To others, Rabbi Nachman is the Great Kabbalist. His teachings shed light on some of the deepest mysteries, while at the same time enhancing them with meaning for the most average individual. Still others know Rabbi Nachman through his main teachings. He stresses Hisbodidus—secluded prayer before G-d. He taught that one should never lose hope, and that good points are to be found in even the most debased individuals. His doctrine was one of joy, stressing that a man must find cause for happiness in everything that befalls him. To his followers, however, Rabbi Nachman is more than all this. He is "the Rebbe"—the teacher, the guide, the master. His teachings are not the abstract thoughts of a past generation, but living words of inspiration and wisdom for life today. This work is.a translation of Shevachay HaRan and Sichos HaRan, a combined work that was first published several years after his passing. It contains his most often quoted teachings, its subjects ranging from simple everyday advice to the most esoretic Kabbalistic mysteries. It is where the Rebbe presents a way of life that has both depth and meaning. Herein is told an infintesimal portion of the awesome holiness of our Rebbe; may a Tzadik's memory be a blessing, his goodness, his piety, and his holy ways in serving G-d. Also recounted is his pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He is the Rebbe, the sainted Gaon, the holy Tzadik, foundation of the world, his eminence, our lord and master, the precious exalted lamp, the tre