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GIFT OF MICHAEL REESE CHEMISTRY OF THE ORGANIC DYESTUFFS. BY B, NIETZKI, PH.D., PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BASLE. TRANSLATED, WITH ADDITIONS, A. COLLIN, PH.D., AND BY W. RICHARDSON. LONDON JACKSON, 1 PATERNOSTER ROW. : GFRNEY & (SUCCESSORS TO MB. VAN MDCCCXCH. VOORST.) PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, HBD LION COURT, FLEET STREET. AUTHOE'S PREFACE. ABOUT ' three I ago years wrote an for article Ladenburg's Handworterbuch der Chemie/ containing in a concise form an exhaustive account of the history of the Organic Dyestuffs. was also published separately, and article induced me to produce the present work, far as possible The upon the its This good reception which I have based as earlier one. article in question was not complete in itself, and in the present instance certain sections which came under other headings in the ' Handworterbuch also been supplied ' have been added. New material has through the advances made in the coal-tar colour industry and in our scientific knowledge of the constitution of dyestuffs during the last three years. Again, some subjects have been dealt with at a greater length than was permitted by the somewhat limited space of the ' Handworterbuch/ Conse- quently, the subject-matter of the earlier work has been submitted to a thorough revision, and the systematic classification o