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Tertium ediderunt F. W. LENZ et G. C. GALINSKY. clothGld. 68.- 1971. vi, 187 pages From the reviewsof thepreviouseditions: 'Ad summam censeo Lenzii editionem optimam esse omni um quae extent'. P. J. ENK, in Mnemo.ryne, page 182, 1961 'This is an essential text for any serious student of Tibullus.' H. J. LEON,in The ClassicalWorld, page 195, 1961 'Lenz' Tibull ist eine au8ergewohnliche Leistung.' WERNEREisENHUT,in DeutscheLiteraturzeitung,page 634, 1960 'Il n'y a pas d'edition definitive de Tibulle, mais celle que M. Lenz vient de publier me semble approcher de !'impossible perfection.' H. BARDON,in Revuedes Etudes Latines, page 358, 1960 'Ce precieux instrument de travail comporte aussi une fort utile bibliographic de Tibulle et du Corpus Tibullianum; deux indices,l'un des incipit, l'autre des noms propres. M. Lenz a bien merite de Tibulle; souhaitons qu'une si belle edition fasse lire et relire ce poete si ,au sens fort du mot.' H. LE BoNNECI,in Latom11s,page 809, 1959 Beatellungen aua Deutachland erbitten wir an: E. J. BRILL • GMBH . KOLN . HAUS AM FRIESENPLATZ Fiir Deutachland werden die Preiae in DM featgesetzt. ]. B. GOULD THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRYSIPPUS Reprint of the first (1970) ed. 1971. viii, 222 pages. (Philosophia Antigua, XVII) Gld. 32.The philosophy of Chrysippus is a reconstruction of the philosophy of an eminent Stoic philosopher, based upon the fragmentary remains of his voluminous writings. Chrysippus of Cilicia, who lived in a period that covers roughly the last three quarters of the third century B.C., studied philosophy in Athens and upon Cleanthes' death became the third head of the Stoa, one of the four great schools of philosophy of the Hellenistic period. Chrysippus wrote a number of treatises in each of the major departments of philosophy, logic, physics and ethics. Much is of fame derived form his acuteness as a logician, but his importance for Stoic philosophy generally was acknowledged in antiquity in the saying, "Had there been no Chrysippus, there would be no Stoa". Previous accounts of Chrysippus' philosophy blurred the distinctive contributions of Chrysippus to Stoic philosophy and failed to bring to light the peculiar features in his thought. The vagueness in these accounts resulted in large measure from the assumption that if an ancient author ascribed a doctrine to "the Stoics" or "Stoicism", one could infer that the doctrine belonged to Chrysippus. Professor Gould works from the more circumspect methodological principle that unless an ancient author explicitly ascribes a doctrine to Chrysippus, this testimony cannot be used in reconstructing Chrysippus' philosophy. Working with those of the fragments in Hans von Arnim's collection, Stoicorum Veterum Fragmenta, which are explicitly Chrysippean in the sense suggested, Mr. Gould has worked out an account of Chrysippus' views in the fields of logic, natural philosophy, and ethics. To help emphasize the continuity between Hellenic and early Hellenistic philosophy he also frequently introduces comparisons and contrast with Plato and Aristotle. Finally, in a concluding chapter, the author shows that the dominant themes in Chrysippus' philosophy, while not exhibiting a thoroughly well-knit system, nevertheless are woven together into a remarkably comprehensive whole, which must have been extraordinarily impressive in quantity. THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRYSIPPUS PHILOSOPHIA ANTIQUA A SERIES OF MONOGRAPHS ON ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY EDITED W. J. VERDENIUS BY AND J. H. WASZINK VOLUME XVII JOSIAH B. GOULD THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRYSIPPUS LEIDEN E. J. BRILL 1971 THE PHILOSOPHY OF CHRYSIPPUS BY JOSIAH B. GOULD LEIDEN E.J.BRILL 1971 First edition H)7o Reprinted 1971 <