The Horse: Its Treatment In Health And Disease, With A Complete Guide To Breeding Training And Management. Volume 5

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E-Book Overview

London: The Gresham Publishing company, 1905. — 210 p.The object of the editor in preparing this work has been to set out in one compact whole some of the most useful information relating to the horse. The origin and development of the horse, his varieties, his breeding, training, and management, in health and disease, with other cognate subjects, have each in turn been considered.To render the book more intelligible and useful to the reader, each group of diseases is preceded by a brief reference to the anatomy and physiology of the parts therein concerned, and the whole has been written in the simplest possible language consistent with a clear enunciation of the subject.Having regard to the extent and variety of the matter to be dealt with, it was necessary to seek the co-operation of outside help, and I have much pleasure in saying how readily this was accorded by my friends Sir George Brown, C.B., Dr. Fleming, Professor Shave, Mr. Harold Leeney, Mr. Hunting, Mr. Vero Shaw, Mr. Lupton, Mr. Malcolm, and others, and how much I owe them my grateful acknowledgments.The greatest care has been taken in the selection and production of the very large series of illustrations which will be found in this book. Of these many are in colours, embracing portraits of prize-winning animals of the leading varieties, and drawings from nature illustrating anatomical and pathological subjects. Of the large number of black-and-white illustrations many are reproductions from photographs, many are drawn from original specimens, or reproduced from drawings in the portfolio of the Editor, while some are from the text-books of Chaveau, Kirks, and others.To those who have allowed me the use, or favoured me with portraits, of their animals, I am duly grateful, and my best acknowledgments are due to Captain Nicholas for his kindness in allowing me to present to my readers photographs of the beautiful white horses which are used by His Most Gracious Majesty the King on state occasions.

E-Book Content

v^ft uiw'ouaui !«%• BiKWJIMI WMH I LKILBU.'gi'ywrf ^ TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Webster Family Library of Veterinary IVledicine Ciimmings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University 200 Westboro Road North Grafton, MA 01536 THE HORSE ITS TREATMENT IN HEALTH AND DISEASE THE HORSE ITS TREATMENT IN HEALTH AND DISEASE WITH A COMPLETE GUIDE TO BREEDING TRAINING AND MANAGEMENT Edited by PROF. Late Lecturer " J. WORTLEY AXE, M.R.C.v.s. I:lx-Presideni of ihL' Royal College of X'eterinary ISiiryeons Royal Veterinary College, and at the Agricultural Colleges of Downton and Chief Veterinary Inspector to the Surrey County Council Consulting Veterinary Surgeon to the British Dairy Farmers" Association at the Wye Author of " The Mare and Foal" "Abortion in Cattle" "Anthrax in Farm Stock" Examination of Horses as to Soundness " " Glanders, its Spread and Suppression " " Swine Fever" " Lithotomv or the Removal of Stont* from the Bladder of the Horse" DIVISIONAL VOLUME V LONDON THE GRESHAM PUBLISHING COMPANY 34 SOUTHAMPTON STREET, STRAND 3S CONTENTS DIVISIONAL-VOLUME V AND DISEASE Section IV.— HEALTH 13. Parasitic Diseases of the Horse Introductory {coniinncd) {continued) {Continued) — — Page — World Classification Classification Parasites derived from the Animal Kingdom Helminths (Worms) — Arthropedes Parasites derived from the Plant — — - IGl — Protozoa - -